Trump to sue CNN, ‘other media outlets’ for defrauding public

They 'have defamed me and defrauded the public,' says former US president

US calls out Russia and China over grain crisis

Russia and Ukraine signed a landmark deal on Friday to reopen Ukrainian Black Sea ports for grain exports.

Ivana Trump’s cause of death revealed

Donald Trump announced her death on Thursday, calling her a "wonderful, beautiful, and amazing woman, who led a great and inspirational life."

US Senator pushing for sale of F-16s to Türkiye

Lindsey Graham visited Türkiye over weekend, met Turkish presidential spokesman Kalin

Overturning of Roe v Wade: The Beginning of a Dystopian Nightmare

Roe vs Wade was a case brought to Supreme Court by Norma McCovey in Texas. At the time 7 of the 9 Supreme Court justices ruled that the ability to get an abortion is a human right.

US: Iran’s Qasim Soleimani was killed to save American lives

'We had opportunity to take down that plot, and we did,' says former top US diplomat

US drones sale to Ukraine escalates tension

The plan to sell Ukraine four MQ-1C Gray Eagle drones that can be armed with Hellfire missiles for battlefield use against Russia was first reported by Reuters earlier in June.

China, Russia thrash US for provoking another war over N.Korea

Washington believes North Korea, which has carried out a blitz of sanctions-busting weapons tests this year, is poised to test a new nuclear weapon.

Japan, US conduct joint drill amid tension in Asia-Pacific

6 fighter jets take part in military drill over Sea of Japan

Soaring inflation forces Biden to consider removing tariffs on Chinese products

Washington is looking for ways to curb rising inflation

Donald Blome assumes charge as US envoy to Pakistan

Blome is the first US ambassador to be appointed to Pakistan after a gap of four years.

Supply of arms to Ukraine raises alarm of direct US-Russia conflict

The US is on a collision course with Russia by sending rocket launchers to Kiev, a top diplomat claims