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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Afghan General & Dy.Chief of Staff urges Pakistan to reopen borders

On February 27, 2017 Syed Abrar Hussain, ambassador of Pakistan in Kabul, was sent an invitation by Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs requesting a meeting with Murad Ali Murad, General and Deputy Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Defense.  A press release was issued on Wednesday by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“He also promised to take action against terrorists on the basis of shared information,” the statement added.

read more: The importance of ECO summit for Pakistan

In the meeting, General Murad requested the Ambassador that Pakistan re-open the border and to de-escalate the tension between the two countries with General Murad also vowing to take action against terrorism on the basis of information shared by Pakistan’s Army, handed over to Afghan embassy with Kabul providing a similar list to Pak-Army and foreign affairs advisor.

The need to close Pak-Afghan border arose due to the terrorist attack on the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan, Sindh.

read more: ECO members pledge to counter regional challenges

Explaining the need for border closure and cross-border shelling, Abrar Hussain, stated, “Afghan nationals were involved in recent attacks in Pakistan and stressed that Afghanistan should take appropriate measures for denying use of its soil by terrorists against Pakistan.”

While asserting that both countries need to make an effort to strengthen their border control and reassured that Afghanistan’s request will be delivered to Islamabad.

read more: Pakistan Army Raids inside Afghanistan: Difficult Decision but Necessary

Whereas, Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal, also requested Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, to re-open Pak-Afghan border.

In addition, during the ECO Summit, he stated, “It will be the right message if Your Excellency instructs an immediate opening of our formal trade and transit routes between our two brotherly countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan. They have now been closed for about two weeks, without adequate reasons, causing enormous hardship to ordinary people and a lot of damage to traders on both sides.”

Moreover, Afghan ambassador said in his written speech, “Many of our challenges are shared and require collective actions. To unlock our individual potential, we need to reshape our policies that promote peace, stability and trust as core objectives. In addition, they should be aimed at removing existing barriers to trade, transit and greater connectivity and develop our capacities and physical infrastructure.”