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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Biden proclaims to end Muslim ban on his day in office

Joe Biden, the new president-elect plans to undo several of his predecessor's policies, including the ban on Muslims travelling to the United States placed by Trump in 2017.

Joe Biden, the new president-elect plans to undo several of his predecessor’s policies, including the ban on Muslims travelling to the United States, placed by Trump in 2017. Biden’s campaign managers have stated that lifting the ban would be one of the four executive orders he will issue on his first day in the White House on January 20, 2021. The Washington post reported, Biden will reverse the ban on almost all the travel from Muslim majority countries.

Other three executive orders include reversing Trump’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Agreement, and bringing back the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), his campaign told Fox news.

Read more: Muslims in the US are annoyed following Trump’s Ramadan restrictions

In July, while addressing to Emgage Action, a Muslim American advocacy organization in the United States, Biden promised to revoke the unjust Muslim ban on his first day in the office. “That fight was the opening barrage in what has been nearly four years of constant pressure and insults, and attacks against Muslim American communities,” Biden told Emgage Action. “If I have the honor of being president, I will end the Muslim ban on Day 1. Day 1.”, said Biden.

“Donald Trump has fanned the flames of hate in this country across the board through his words, his policies, his appointments, his deeds, and he continues to fan those flames,” Biden added. “Under this administration, we’ve seen an unconscionable rise in Islamophobia.”

“One of the things that I think is important: I wish, I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith,” Biden added. “What people don’t realize is … we all come from the same root here, in terms of our fundamental basic beliefs.”

Read more: The era of Trumpism comes to an end

Moreover, Trump’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization when the pandemic-stricken US was at the verge of economic and societal instability reflected Trump’s incompetency. His decision was criticized by several Democrats. The decision to rejoin WHO “reflected a broader effort to combat the coronavirus upon taking office.”, stated Fox news.

Whilst accusing WHO of ‘mishandling’ the virus, Trump stopped US funding to the organization in April. In a news briefing in Washington, he said “Today I’m instructing my administration to halt funding of the World Health Organization while a review is conducted to assess the World Health Organization’s role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus,”

Shortly after Donald Trump assumed office in 2017, he issued a series of executive orders banning Muslim travelers from seven Muslim majority countries. Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria and Myanmar were the countries in the ban list. He proclaimed that the ban was placed for ‘national security’ reasons.

“As president, I’ll work with you to rip the poison of hate from our society to honor your contributions and seek your ideas. My administration will look like America with Muslim Americans serving at every level. On day one, I’ll end Trump’s unconstitutional Muslim ban”, Biden said in October.

Read more: Is Trump the frenemy of the Islamic world?

US’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is also expecting Biden to hold true to his promises. Nihad Awad, CAIR’s national executive director said, “President-elect Biden has pledged to end the Muslim Ban on his first day in office, include Muslims at every level of his administration and address issues of racial and religious discrimination,”

“We plan to join other American Muslim leaders and organizations in ensuring that the Biden administration fulfils these promises. We also plan to continue holding our government accountable when it errs.”

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