China accuses New Zealand of making wrong statements

The Chinese embassy in Wellington hit back Friday that it had taken note of Ardern's "misguided" accusations.

China backed Indian move of keeping Pakistan out of the BRICS plus event

Pakistan aspired to attend the BRICS outreach event for emerging economies that was joined by Algeria, Argentina, Cambodia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Senegal, Uzbekistan, Malaysia and Thailand. However, India through swift and deft diplomacy blocked Pakistan from the event. Reportedly, China being the chair of the event, agreed to India in keeping its ‘all-weather ally’ out from the event.

NATO highlights challenges posed by China to West

China is not our adversary. But we must be clear eyed about the serious challenges it represents.

China: No chance of ‘Asian NATO’

Any attempt to set up “an Asia-Pacific version of NATO” would only bring more turmoil, Beijing says

G7 plans on raising $600 billion to counter BRI

“China continues to welcome all initiatives to promote global infrastructure development," Zhao said of the G7's $600 billion plan.

China calls the presence of US plane in Taiwan a threat to peace

He added that they firmly opposed the actions by the United States and that their troops remained high on alert.

Taiwanese senior officers charged in China spying case

Taipei and Beijing have spied on each other since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949, when the losing Nationalist side fled to the island.

Biden to remove more Chinese tariffs to control inflation

White House officials discussed options on Friday with Biden for reducing some of former President Donald Trump's punitive duties on China, including potentially substantial cuts, three of the sources said.

China conducts successful test of land based anti-ballistic missile

This is a defensive test, not aimed at any country, says Defense Ministry

China launches third aircraft carrier as tensions rise with US

Launched in a Shanghai shipyard to great fanfare, the Fujian is more technically advanced than the other Chinese carriers.

China backs Russia despite pressure from Washington

The Kremlin said the two leaders had agreed to ramp up economic cooperation in the face of "unlawful" Western sanctions.

US warns China over stance on Ukraine war

"China claims to be neutral, but its behavior makes clear that it is still investing in close ties to Russia," a US State Department spokesperson said.