Op-ed: There is US government infighting over trillions in COVID-19 relief while world suffers

Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic has begun, the world is facing a financial crisis, worse than the one in 2008. Unemployment numbers are climbing,...

Eyeing China, Australia joins ‘quad’ drill with US, Japan, India

Australia will take part in a large-scale military drill off the coast of India next month that will bring together a quartet of countries...

Op-ed: Mideast peace agreements with Israel are driven by political vested interests

News is circulating in political spheres about Oman and Sudan as the next countries in line to recognize Israel after UAE and Bahrain. These...

Who will win US Presidential elections 2020?

As the race for US Presidential elections 2020 enters a very important phase as November 3rd, the polls day draws nearer, President Donald Trump's...

Turkish army conducts test of S-400 missile defence system

The United States on Friday condemned NATO ally Turkey after it reportedly carried out its first test of a highly advanced Russian air defence...

Op-ed: Biden faces uphill task regaining trust of public after bombshell report

In two bombshell reports, Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge of the New York Post have leveled damning allegations of Hunter Biden’s murky financial dealings...

Will Trump upend the neo-colonial world order?

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney released an extraordinary statement on Tuesday, decrying a political scene he said, “has moved away from spirited debate...

Op-ed: Donald Trump has been an extraordinary US leader

President Trump's role in the United States has been extraordinary. All that had been previously said about Muslims, Palestine, China, North Korea, and Israel...

Trump vs Biden: Race to the White House

The US Election are just few weeks away, setting arena for Trump-Biden presidential contest. Both are strong nominees, so it would be premature to...

Iran says ‘historic’ US defeat close as arms embargo to be lifted

Iran on Monday said the US was facing a "historic" defeat as an arms embargo against Tehran is to be lifted within days despite...

TikTok rival Triller weighs going public

Triller, an app similar to TikTok that allows users to share short video clips online, is in talks with several companies about a possible...

What does Biden’s ‘deliberate ambiguity’ on Iran sanctions imply?

The Trump administration tightened the noose further around Iran’s beleaguered economy on Thursday, October 8, announcing a fresh round of sanctions that will effectively...