Transforming youth skills for the future

World Youth Skills Day is celebrated on the 15 of July every year. Skill is the unified force of experience, intellect and passion in their operation, J. Ruskin. The youth populace will boost by more than 78 million between 2021 and 2030.

Energy Poverty in Balochistan

Due to the scattered population living in rural areas, it is impossible to electrify them. In 2018, the total demand of Balochistan was 1650 MW, but supply was limited to 600 MW, and in 2019 the demand has been raised to 2500 MW.

Is history repeating itself in Pakistan?

Why is it that politicians break the rules in order to achieve their political goals? Why is it that politicians refuse to take responsibility for their actions and blame the army for their own incompetence? Is this not hypocrisy?

Predicting the future of Ukraine Russia war

Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister, spoke of releasing Ukraine from despotism, while Sergei Naryshkin, the head of foreign intelligence, claimed that "Russia's destiny and its future place in the world are at stake."

Globalization: A false fiasco?

Globalization is often considered a fruitful way of rendering the trade affairs and policies amongst the States. This is true in the case of the developed countries but is in no way different than misery for those struggling to get to the ladder of development.

Double standards haunt the West in dealings with Turkey and the Middle East

HDP leader Selahattin Demirtas, one of the most high-profile of thousands of politicians, journalists, academics, judges, and civil servants jailed in Turkey in recent years, faces more than 100 mostly terrorism-related charges.

The Oligarchy State Pretending Democracy -Lt Gen (Retd) Tariq Khan

Pakistan will continue to limp on, stumbling from day to day, living off the largesse of others to survive. There will be some rallies where people will assemble to insult one another, talk shows stating the obvious with people repeating themselves.

Who will get the weapons that Ukraine receives via lend-lease?

A heavy machinegun or a shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile system is the dream of any terrorist. Now every airliner taking off or landing is at risk, just as military transports stationed at bases in NATO countries.

Why India is not mature enough to join UNSC permanently?

India through its group at the UN G-4, comprising Brazil, India, Germany, and Japan was lobbying for expansion in the UN's most powerful body Security Council. G-4 members support each other’s bids for permanent seats at UNSC.

The fading book reading culture

Books were considered the source of knowledge, vocabulary expansion, improving focus and concentration, enhancing mental stimulation and better writing skills. Books are therefore rightly known to be our best friend.

Ukraine Crisis and Russia’s Justification

On 24 February 2022, the Russian invasion of Ukraine was undertaken. This action sparked international outrage and has resulted in the displacement of 4.1 million Ukrainians, marking it as Europe’s largest refugee crisis since World War 2.

What to expect from President Biden’s Middle East trip?

Every rational person understands that if it weren’t for the months of exorbitant gas prices brought on by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden would not be visiting the region at all, let alone to a country he previously vowed to make a ‘pariah.’