Why contesting Russia requires renewed US engagement in Central Asia?

It would also mean enlarging the figurative battlefield to include not only military and financial support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia but also the strengthening of political and economic ties with former Soviet republics.

Hate speech and it’s impact on Pakistan’s democratic path

As the fever of hate speech grips the country, planted hatred, tales and deliberately spun false statements, threaten the integrity of the state’s institutions and key pillars, the influencers and the leaders must instead serve as examples of tolerance, respect, inclusion and peace.

Pakistan’s peaceful uses of nuclear energy

To overcome the rising energy and economic issues, Pakistan is trying to enhance the role of nuclear and renewable energy sources in the overall energy combination. Pakistan aims to generate 8,800 MWe of electricity using nuclear energy.

Thoughts on political imbroglio in Pakistan -Part 1

The sensitivity and gravity of the said letter-gate dawned upon the ruling regime when ten of its MNAs jumped the fence on March 18, its allies started hobnobbing with the PDM leaders and NCM was admitted on March 25.

US aid to Pakistan and its repercussions

It is generally propagated in the Pakistani press that Pakistan's armed forces gobble up a major chunk of the federal budget. Depending upon the hostility of the media person, this allocation varies between 40 and 80 percent of the budget.

Is Pakistan witnessing demise of charter of democracy?

If the people's mandate is manipulated this time, there will be trouble. A free and fair election is the only way forward. The establishment will have to establish its neutrality. History sides with the righteous, the forces of honesty will prevail over the dishonest in a fair contest.

Why is there an increase in natural disasters worldwide?

Other geophysical hazards (volcanic activity, mass movements) and hydrological hazards (landslides) had a low occurrence in 2021 and resulted in relatively minor human and economic losses compared to other types of disasters recorded in EM-DAT.

A history of US-Syrian relations dating to the late 1940s

From the 1970s onward, Washington made continued efforts to erode General Assad's position. There was the 1982 Hama revolt in western Syria, which resulted in a decisive victory for Assad's Syrian Army.

The organized chaos in Balochistan

When the Baloch Sardars talk about the rights of the Baloch people, they mean themselves. All the cultivable land, water resources, and grazing grounds are the private property of these chieftains. The common man ekes out a miserable life in Balochistan.

The American civilization and civilization state

Civilizations have come and gone. With the inability to look into the future with certainty humans tend to find answers & solace in their past. And what is better to a humiliating present than a glorified past.

Russo-Ukrainian conflict and the art of war

Russian revanchist behavior will have dangerous ramifications for Ukraine in terms of the food security crisis, mass migration, killing of a segment of the civilian population, rehabilitation processes, and a shattering economy in Eastern Europe.

The dichotomy of rules based international order

For the US, the only challenger that matters in more than just the economic calculations has been China. The U.S has been weighing options to contain the Chinese economic, military and to a lesser extent, cultural stretch in Asia and beyond.