Man arrested at Frankfurt airport, shouts “I will kill you all, Allahu Akbar,”

German police have taken into custody a Slovenian man who refused to wear a mask at Frankfurt Airport and threatened to kill everybody, thus...

Op-ed: Modi sponsors militant outfits in India

Following the Bharatya Janata Party’s electoral victories, there has been a mushroom growth of anti-Muslim quasi-military outfits in India. Extremist organizations like the Rashtrya...

Increased sectarian violence in Pakistan, why is the Gulf silent?

Silent about rising sectarian violence in Pakistan, Gulf states vying for religious soft power risk exposing the limitations of their concepts of an undefined...

Op-ed: How India has been coloring the minds of the world since day one

The security situation of Pakistan has remained turbulent right from its inception due to the meddlesome role of India. India has waged wars and...

Facebook fears backlash from Indian Government, Hindu militant group not banned

Facebook in India is reluctant to ban the militant group, Bajrang Dal, despite an internal assessment on banning dangerous extremist groups. The internal security...

How Pakistan is still part of America’s war on terror

There has been a sudden increase in incidents of terrorism in Karachi, North Waziristan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Baluchistan. In Karachi, Chinese Consulate and Stock...

How US coerced Pakistan into war on terror

After the Islamic revolution in Iran in March 1979, the next big event that took place was the occupation of Afghanistan by the Soviet...

Op-ed: Imran should make Afghan peace efforts conditional to RAWs push-out

Pak-Afghan relations have hardly remained friendly. Right from day one, Kabul maintained an unfriendly posture. Pakhtunistan stunt and non-acceptance of Durand Line as an...

How India uses hybrid warfare to destabilise Pakistan from within

Disinformation’ is a concept that finds mention in Sun Tzu’s Ping Fa (Principles of War). Even before Sun Tzu, Kautliya in Arthashastra supported disinformation...

The irksome dossier

In a joint press conference with Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar in Islamabad, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi lifted...