Lina Khan: Woman of Pakistani descent sworn in as chair of the FTC

Lina Khan, a progressive tech critic of Pakistani descent, was sworn in as chair of the Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday, June 15.

Pakistan to provide military support to US as Mooed Yusuf meets counterpart

While Pakistan initially denied any military support to the US post the Afghan peace process, Washington just announced to the contrary.

Toyota reveals all-new “Beyond Zero” electric crossover SUV series

Toyota Motor Corporation announced a newly established Battery Electric Vehicles series (BEVs), with the unveiling of bZ4X crossover SUV on April 19 in Japan....

US-British policy of appeasing Mussolini’s rule

National debt in Benito Mussolini's Italy was growing year-on-year, while he placed the Italian economy increasingly on a war footing. "This military dilettante", as...

Dangerous precedent set by banning Trump, Twitter Chief

Twitter chief Jack Dorsey backed the messaging platform's ban of US President Donald Trump, but said Wednesday it sets a "dangerous" precedent and represents...

US-China tussle: Middle East braces for fallout

China would like the world to believe that the Middle East and North Africa region does not rank high on its totem pole despite...

BECA putting Pakistan’s military might to test

Currently, the United States militarily prefers India over its seven-decade-old South Asian ally, Pakistan. It has been transferring state of the art weapons and...

Op-ed: Can compromise help US recover from a year full of division and infighting?

Compromise. A simple little word can mean so much. In US, it's seen as the moderate side, not trying to fit between party lines....

Op-ed: Ikea makes better cabinets than Trump

The question on everyone‘s mind right now is who‘s going to get fired next. Could it be AG Barr or FBI Director Wray, or...

China warns US of interference in domestic affairs may lead to further de-escalation in ties

On Monday, Hua Chunying, Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman stated that China strongly condemns US interference in its domestic affairs, as the US prepares to...

US exit from Open Skies Treaty could unleash serious arms race

The United States’ exit from the Open Sky Treaty last month will aggravate already growing tensions between NATO and Russia-- and exacerbate the great...

How international media maintains US hegemony in world politics

Talking about international media and its role in regards to less developed countries, international media is just not about giving news and making decisions;...