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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Clear-Cut Policy to counter Modi’s Fascist & Racist Policies- Senate Panel

The Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs has called the government and the parliament to work on formulating a clear-cut policy to counter Modi’s administrations’ fascist agendas, which threaten the population of Kashmir, and regional stability.

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A panel of the State, on Friday, called for a “clear-cut policy” to counter the fascist ideology of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and has demanded the Upper House to convene a special session to contemplate Pakistan’s response to the biggest crisis gripping the region since 1971.

The Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs engaged in a meeting, chaired by Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, urged the PTI-led government to formulate an extensive action-plan that will address the Kashmir dispute in the international arena, and expose the “fascist and racist policies” of Narendra Modi, which bear a striking resemblance to that of Nazi Germany under Hitler.

The meeting was attended by Senators Sherry Rehman, Javed Abbasi, Rehman Malik, Sitara Ayaz, Nuzhat Sadiq, Special Secretary Foreign Office Mohammad Moazzam, and Additional Secretary Senate Hafeezullah Sheikh.

Clear-Cut Policy on Kashmir

The Senate Committee has called for devising a “clear-cut policy” of parliamentary diplomacy, aimed at drawing attention towards the human rights violations across the Indian-occupied valley of Kashmir, and to counter the “fascist” ideologies emanating from India.

The Senate panel condemned the decision of the Modi administration to revoke the special constitutional status of the occupied Himalayan valley.

The resolution, shared by the Senate of Pakistan, noted, “In the light of that Senate initiative, (the committee) urges the Government of Pakistan to support Parliamentary Diplomacy for the promotion of the Kashmir cause in a sustained bipartisan manner.”

It further added, “Decides to prepare an Action Plan to internationalize the Kashmir dispute, expose the Modi Regime’s fascist and racist policies which are reminiscent of Nazi Germany to take concrete steps in the domain of Parliamentary Diplomacy, highlight human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir and to suggest specific measures for an “India Policy” that protects Pakistan’s National interests, promotes the Kashmir cause and proactively exposes the Indian designs, which are devise and dangerous for the entire region.”

The agenda must be focused on safeguarding the national interests of Pakistan, highlighting the Kashmiri struggle for freedom, and launching a proactive campaign against India, which will expose the extremist agendas that threaten regional peace and stability.

The panel noted that India’s unprovoked firing along the Line of Control (LoC) and the Working Boundary (WB) are a deliberate attempt to escalate tensions and trigger a serious military confrontation.

Read more: PM rules out war, backing militants for Kashmir

The resolution stated, “(The Committee) Condemns the deliberate escalation of tensions by India along the LOC and the Working Boundary (WB) by resorting to unprovoked firing in violation of the 2003 Ceasefire Understanding in an attempt to divert global attention from Indian atrocities in the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir; Resolutely condemn the recent use of cluster ammunition against civilian population by Indian occupation forces”

The members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs agreed that New Delhi has violated the agreements of the 2003 ceasefire, in a bid to divert the attention of the international community from the human rights violations Indian armed forces have committed in occupied Kashmir.

The Senators have demanded New Delhi to immediately release the Kashmir separatist leaders, who have been detained, and placed under house arrest. The Senate panel also demanded the Indian authorities to restore telecommunication and internet services across the occupied valley, along with lifting the curfew so normal life can resume.

The Committee on Standing Affairs agreed that India has sparked outrage in the occupied valley of Kashmir, and now Pakistan must deliberate a measured response as opposed to its usual measures. 

Senator Mushahid Hussain, the chairman of the committee, stated that Pakistan needs to focus on developing a sustainable and long-term policy towards India. Mushahid Hussain noted that the decision to abolish Kashmir’s special status is the most significant regional development since 1971.

He stated that the international community cannot realize Pakistan’s role in brokering peace on its western border if the eastern border is persistently gripped with tensions. Dawn cited Mushahid Hussain as stating, “We cannot compartmentalize peace.”

Highlighting Pakistan’s Narrative 

The Senate panel condemned the decision of the Modi administration to revoke the special constitutional status of the occupied Himalayan valley. The panel has urged New Delhi to reverse its decision, as it threatens the peace and stability of the region.

Senator Rehman Malik, PPP leader and former interior minister, condemned the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s extremist mindset and accused him of crimes against humanity. Rehman Malik urged the government to address the issue in the International Criminal Court.

Read more: Insiders describe life under lockdown in Kashmir

The committee called upon the parliament to assist the government in conveying Pakistan’s stance and narrative to the international community and global powers. The Committee on Standing Affairs agreed that India has sparked outrage in the occupied valley of Kashmir, and now Pakistan must deliberate a measured response as opposed to its usual measures.

Sharing the resolution of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs via Twitter, Senator Mushahid Hussain noted, “Resolution of Senate Foreign Affairs Committee ‘salutes velour, heroism & courage of Kashmiri people’, ‘decides to expose Modi Regime’s fascist & racist policies reminiscent of Nazi Germany’ & ‘expresses gratitude to the Quaid e Azam who saw through this bigoted mindset in 1947!”

Senator Sherry Rehman also tweeted in this regard, stating, “India has tried to reset history and revise geography in South Asia. Kashmiris and Pakistanis will never accept this.”

She added, “There are no military solutions to Kashmir, but right now that is what so many states are “watching carefully” while “urging restraint”