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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Corona Attack: You want to stay safe? Stay Home Please!

All data flowing in from across the world shows one thing: its time to suspend your normal activities and stay home to stay safe. There is no other way! Stats speak for themselves, argues the writer - a senior TV producer.

What is the need of the time, stay safe and stay home. Unfortunately, not only in Pakistan, governments in rest of the world face the problem to keep their public in their homes, the reason is the wild spread of Covid-19.

What is the best way to understand the real situation all around us?

Stats and numbers are important.

Numbers speak loud, and numbers forced all governments to act, those who failed to act on time are really getting into messy situation, health departments are in miserable situation and Covid-19 is not coming into control and spreading like anything.

The example set by Chinese authorities in the province of Wuhan, including some other cities is the right way to go ahead with all other countries.

What are the numbers when China imposed lockdown really matters and world need to know best practice to block the epidemic outbreak. On January, 25 China as reported by Al Jazeerah China had 1287 confirmed cases with 41 deaths and lockdown was extended to 56 million. This was a quick call by Chinese authorities to control the outbreak.

But, what happened in Italy, Europe and the rest of countries being challenged by Coronavirus?

First reported death of an elderly man in Italy was recorded on 21st February in the northern city of Padua affected by coronavirus. The total number of reported cases Italy on 21st February stands at 15, authorities was not taking the symptoms seriously and took it as casual as a daily routine matter. But, it was not a routine matter.

Numbers drawn attention, Italian government who were taking situation easy remained in shock when on 10th March, 2020 after 17 days of first reported death a nation wise lockdown was ordered on its 60 million residents. But, it was too late. The situation got worse, numbers on 10th March stands at 463 deaths and at least 9172 of infected people all around Italy.

Read more: World could cut off source of viruses. So why doesn’t it?

What is more alarming today about Italy? After locking its 60 million residents, Covid-19 grown up to sixty thousand in 30 days, nobody knows where it will stop, how it will stop and nobody is willing to help as everybody suffers. Whatever support being received by Italy either from China, Cuba or some other nations is not sufficient to meet the requirement.

Unfortunately, after Italy scene, Germany, France, United States, Spain and even United Kingdom were failed to understand the details of epidemic Covid-19.

After Italy, we have to look into some other numbers as well, it will reflect their complete picture, and we can have idea how Covid-19 is growing;

France – French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday 16th March announced complete lockdown with stringent restrictions on people movement for 15days. Outbreak numbers stands at 148 deaths with 6633 confirmed cases. Today after seven-day complete restrictions French nation stands at 16,689.

Germany – Still figuring to lockdown, but still not yet decided on lockdown. Numbers present a shady picture that stands at 106 deaths and 27,527 with positive virus cases. However, three days ago German state Bavaria headed towards for full coronavirus lockdown.

Spain – The authorities in Spain went into total lockdown on 15th March, 2020. The reported death cases stand at 288 and positive cases stand at 7,753. Spain locked its entire population of 46million under lockdown, and today positive cases stands at 33,089 whereas recorded death surged up to 2,203.

United States – US Federal government and its President Donald Trump is still not yet sure about complete lockdown. However, two of its states New York and California forced lockdown on its residents and restricted movement, but that doesn’t look sufficient. At the moment US stats stands at 458 deaths and 39,389 reported positive cases. It is going to be an easy task say it’s going to stop any time soon.

Denmark – The European nation, remain concerned about their citizens, remained quick in taking decision to lockdown. On 11th March Danish PM Mette Frederiksen announced complete lockdown when country stood at 615 confirmed cases. Yes, PM Frederickson was right in taking decision, after 12 day lockdown country stands at 1,450 confirmed cases.

Living in Pakistan, we are also in fire under Covid-19 outbreak, but our Prime Minister Imran Khan and state authorities are still not decisive on the matter of lockdown.


In two televised addresses PM Khan looks worried about working class which will suffer under lockdown, but he is ignoring the impact if Covid-19 outbreak as we have seen the cases of Italy, France or Spain who were late locking down their residents. European nations are far ahead of us in respect of medical facilities and financial resources available in their hand.

Two days ago Chief Minister Sindh Murad Ali Shah took the decision to lockdown Sindh, which was a right step everyone appreciated it, and a right way forward.

Yesterday, Punjab government also announced a complete lockdown for next 14 days, however Prime Minister we are looking towards you for your decision to implement it nationwide. You are responsible and we are looking towards you to take right steps and announce a complete lockdown, but you are also absolutely right a working class will suffer. Being head of state and you have to come out with an outbox solution to figure out how working class will be supported.

Read more: How a teeny-tiny virus that we can’t see changed everything

It is everyone’s right to stay safe, its states responsibility to face its responsibility and create atmosphere for people to stay at home.

Tahir Khan is a Senior Producer at 92 News Network. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.