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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Erdogan labels Netanyahu a “psychopath” and “vampire” amid Rafah attacks

The attack, which targeted a tent camp and resulted in the deaths of 45 Palestinians, has drawn widespread condemnation from Erdogan.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched a scathing attack on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, labeling him a “psychopath,” “maniac,” and “vampire” following a deadly strike in Rafah, Gaza. The attack, which targeted a tent camp and resulted in the deaths of 45 Palestinians, has drawn widespread condemnation from Erdogan, who called Netanyahu’s actions a threat to “all of humanity.”

Erdogan’s remarks came during a speech to lawmakers from his ruling AKP party. He accused Netanyahu of barbarism, describing the Israeli leader as a “sick man” and a “blood-sucking vampire.” Erdogan’s criticism extended to the global community, specifically targeting the United States and European nations, which he blamed for enabling Israel’s actions.

Criticism of Western Nations and Islamic World

Erdogan did not limit his criticism to Israel alone. He condemned the United States, holding it equally responsible for the civilian casualties in Rafah. “Oh, the American state, this blood is on your hands also. You are responsible for this genocide at least as much as Israel,” he declared. Erdogan also admonished European leaders for their complicity in what he described as “genocide, barbarism, and vampire-like acts.”

Read More: Erdogan blames Israel for Iranian attack

In a passionate plea, Erdogan called on Islamic nations to unite and take decisive action against Israel. “When will you see this, when will you react, when will you come together and take a position?” he asked, urging for a cohesive response to what he perceives as Israeli aggression.

Call to Action Against Israeli Brutality

Erdogan also criticized the United Nations for its perceived inability to protect civilians and its own staff in Gaza. “The UN cannot even protect its own staff. What are you waiting for to act? The spirit of the United Nations is dead in Gaza,” he stated. He warned that no state is safe as long as Israel continues to disregard international law.

Despite his strong rhetoric, Erdogan faces challenges of his own. He has been accused of committing war crimes during Turkey’s occupation of parts of northern Syria. Additionally, while he announced a trade boycott of Israel in early May, reports suggest that Azerbaijani oil continues to flow to Israel via Turkey, complicating his position.

International Reactions and Ongoing Conflict

The White House has condemned the loss of civilian life in Rafah but has indicated no plans to change its policy towards Israel. The conflict in Gaza continues to draw international scrutiny, with Erdogan’s statements adding to the pressure on global leaders to address the violence and seek a resolution.

Read More: Israel summons Turkish envoy after Erdogan’s ‘send Netanyahu to Allah’ remark

As Erdogan prepares to attend the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Italy next month, his fiery rhetoric against Netanyahu reiterates the ongoing tensions and the urgent need for international dialogue and intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.