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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hacktivist group targets Twitter to bring Musk’s attention to Sudan’s plight

Anonymous Sudan hackers disrupt X, formerly known as Twitter, seeking Elon Musk's help to connect war-torn Sudan with Starlink

In a bold move that sent shockwaves through the online world, an anonymous Sudanese hacking group recently brought down Twitter’s services in multiple countries, all in a bid to gain the attention of tech billionaire and SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk. This daring act was aimed at pressuring Musk to provide Starlink satellite service to Sudan, a war-torn nation desperate for connectivity.

Cyber Assault 

On a fateful Tuesday, Twitter, formerly known as X, experienced a massive disruption in its services. The Anonymous Sudan hacking group, through a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, flooded Twitter’s servers with a deluge of traffic, effectively rendering the platform inaccessible for several hours. Downdetector recorded around 20,000 outage reports from users in the US and the UK.

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Plea to Elon Musk

In a Telegram post, the hackers issued a direct message to Elon Musk, urging him to “Open Starlink in Sudan.” This move, while controversial and disruptive, was a desperate attempt to shine a spotlight on Sudan’s dire situation, where internet access is sporadic due to the ongoing conflict.

Motivation Behind the Attack

Speaking to a member of the hacking group known as Hofa, it became clear that the attack was not merely an act of cyber chaos but a calculated attempt to raise awareness about the war in Sudan. According to Hofa, Sudan’s conflict has severely impacted internet availability, making it an essential issue to address.

Anonymous Sudan Group’s Identity

Amid accusations of being associated with a Russian cyber-military unit, the Anonymous Sudan hacking group has vehemently denied any links to Russia. The group members provided evidence suggesting they were indeed in Sudan, including pictures of their Sudanese passports and screenshots from within the country. They emphasize their aim to showcase Sudanese talents and capabilities, asserting that their group comprises a small number of Sudanese hackers.

Gesture of Gratitude

Surprisingly, the group expressed gratitude towards Russia, citing Russian support during Sudan’s own turmoil. This gratitude led them to align with the Russian government, particularly in the wake of the mutiny led by Wagner Group Chief Yevgeny Prighozin. They view their actions as a way to repay Russia for its support during Sudan’s own civil war.

Global Disruptions and the Group’s Reach

While relatively small in number, the Anonymous Sudan hacking group has managed to create disruptions in various countries, including France, Nigeria, Israel, and the US. Their actions serve as a stark reminder of the power of hacktivism to draw attention to critical global issues and underline the urgent need for improved internet access in conflict-ridden regions.

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The recent cyber attack orchestrated by Anonymous Sudan may have temporarily crippled Twitter’s services, but its primary objective was to bring international attention to Sudan’s ongoing struggles. While the group’s methods are controversial, they underscore the importance of addressing connectivity issues in war-torn regions and the potential impact of hacktivism on global discourse.