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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Locals heard gunshots as Indian troops target Baramullah

The locals told the media that they heard several gunshots from Indian troops, however, there was no response from another side as of now. The operation was continuing till the last reports came in.

In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), Indian troops launched a massive cordon and search operation (CASO) in the Sopore area of Baramullah district on Thursday morning.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the joint team of the Indian Army, Central Reserve Police Force, and Special Operation Group launched the operation in the Wanigam Payeen area of the district.

Read more: India move to sabotage Kashmir at OIC failed: Pakistan

The locals told the media that they heard several gunshots from Indian troops, however, there was no response from another side as of now. The operation was continuing till the last reports came in.

Meanwhile, Indian troops during house raids arrested over a half dozen youth in Pulwama district.

Meanwhile, a 24-year-old MCA student, Saqib Ashraf has been missing since 20 December from Baramulla district, when he was returning home from Kashmir University.

Read more: At UN, Pakistan highlights Kashmiris, Palestinians fight for self-determination

Pakistan highlighted the struggle of peoples in occupied Palestine and Kashmir for their right of self-determination at an event organized by Russia, South Africa, and Vietnam on 18th December to mark the 60th anniversary of the landmark UN Declaration on Decolonization.

The commemorative meeting, held on the sidelines of the 75th session of UN General Assembly, was attended by nearly 100 member states.

Adopted by the General Assembly on 14 December 1960, the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, called for the immediate cessation of “all armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against dependent peoples” to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their freedom of choice.

“Today, this declaration has become an epitome of freedom struggle from colonial oppression, alien domination, and foreign occupation,” Aamir Khan, deputy permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN, told the meeting.

But sixty years on, he said millions of people in the “non-governing territories” and under occupation in Palestine, Kashmir, as well as other situations, continue to yearn for their inalienable right to self-determination.

“The ongoing oppression of Kashmiris for the last seven decades. especially since 5 August 2019, is regrettable, illegal and in violation of the UN Charter, Security Council resolutions and international law,” Aamir Khan said, noting that the UN and its various bodies had frequently denounced these measures and policies.


Courtesy: APP with additional input from GVS