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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Modi’s War Mongering: India targeting civilians with cluster bombs

Heavy military deployment in the Indian-occupied Kashmir valley and Indian army’s unprovoked shelling and use of cluster bombs to target civilians in Azad Jammu & Kashmir has gripped the region with fear and panic. The ISPR has issued a statement, urging the UN and the International community to undermine India’s war mongering.

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The Indian-occupied valley of Kashmir is gripped with terror and alarm as the authorities have tightened security arrangements, deployed an unprecedented number of troops, and ordered all tourists to vacate the disputed territory, after cancelling the yearly Hindu pilgrimage on Friday.

The state government of Jammu & Kashmir issued an order, demanding all tourists and pilgrims to “immediately” leave the region, citing “intelligence inputs of terror threats” that have prompted the authorities to cancel the Amarnath Yatra of the Hindus.

Given the “prevailing security situation”, the Indian authorities have ordered thousands of devout Hindus to abandon their pilgrimage to the Holy cave of Amarnath, located in Southern Kashmir’s Himalayan belt.

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Media reports indicate that 25,000 military reinforcements have been dispatched to Indian-occupied Kashmir, which is already one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world. The deployment of additional troops and other security measures, including the orders to store reserves of fuel and food, have sent alarm bells ringing across the region.

The people of Jammu & Kashmir are extremely distressed given the heightened security measures, and the long queues at petrol stations, food stores and ATM machines, as the entire population of the occupied valley is in a state of alarm while hastily accumulating emergency reserves.

Hostels and universities have issued directives, demanding all students to vacate their accommodations immediately. It appears that life is coming to a standstill across the disputed Himalayan region.

Read more: Communal violence & Hindu supremacy: Modi’s India unsafe for minorities

Fear & Panic in Kashmir

The Modi-led government accepted its decision to deploy 10,000 additional troops in the Indian-occupied valley of Kashmir last week. Reports emerging from Kashmir on Friday noted that New Delhi had actually deployed 25,000 additional troops, citing “security threats” as the reason or such a massive deployment.

The heavy military deployment and terrifying encounters between the Kashmir freedom fighters and the Indian occupation process, alongside the Indian provocation with the Pakistan Army along the LoC has created an environment of fear and panic across the valley, both J&K and AJK.

Hostels and universities have issued directives, demanding all students to vacate their accommodations immediately.

Political leaders of the disputed valley, including Mehbooba Mufti, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, amongst others have sternly warned New Delhi against any decision to scrape away Kashmir’s constitutional rights. Reports emerging from Jammu & Kashmir reveal that petrol station owners have been instructed to maintain full capacity fuel stocks, while police and security officials have been instructed to shift their families “someplace safe.”

Moreover, public fear and anxiety has been further heightened by the police orders to seek out details on all the mosques and their leaders, which have been circulating across social media throughout this week.

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Condemning these orders, Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq had said, “Concerned by Govt orders being circulated daily to create alarm among people, after the deployment of more forces. Any move against our places of worship and religious matters will be resisted strongly by all Muslims across the state. Do not deliberately vitiate the situation.”

Issuing another statement recently, Mirwaiz noted, “As the holy month of ZilHajj begins &Eid approaching, situation developing after the advisory to Amarnath Yatris/tourists in Kashmir extremely concerning .Govt should speak up. Appeal People to take courage and not panic. If there is something as in past we will face it collectively.”

Mehbooba Mufti, President of the Jammu & Kashmir People’s Democratic Party, also criticized the government’s bid to trigger alarm and panic across the valley. She said, “Yet again the valley is on edge.”

Read more: For Modi, it is now do or die!

Indian Provocation on the LoC

Throughout the past week, the Indian army has been deliberately targeting the civilian population of Azad Jammu & Kashmir along the LoC with heavy artillery heavy and now, cluster ammunition. The Inter-Services Public Relations issued a statement, condemning India’s provocative warmongering, and urging the international community to put an end to this travesty.

The ISPR press release read, “Indian Army uses cluster ammunition along LOC deliberately targeting Civilian population. This is a violation of Geneva Convention and international humanitarian law.”

It added, “Indian Army on night 30th / 31ist July targeted innocent citizens including women and children in Neelum Valley through Artillery using cluster ammunition. Resultantly 2 civilians including a 4 year old boy martyred while 11 got critically injured.”

“Because of severe impact on noncombatants, use of cluster ammunition is prohibited under the Convention on Cluster Ammunition. This blatant Indian aggression against all international norms exposes the true character of Indian Army and their moral standing.”

The ISPR statement concluded, “It’s time for the international community to take notice of this Indian blatant violation of international laws on the use of cluster ammunition targeting innocent citizens”

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Indian troops have been targeting civilian establishments across Neelum Valley, and an instrumental dam project in Jhelum.

Nadeem Farooq Paracha, prominent political commentator and historian, shared his analysis on Modi’s provocative tactics and war-mongering across the region. Paracha observed, “Modi Sarkar about to go entirely psycho in IOK. Thousands more troops being sent there.”

Read more: Does Modi want war?

The political analyst added, “Modi feeling neglected by Afghan talks & Trump taunts. His anti-Pak narrative is losing steam. His move in IOK wants to provoke Pak to go rogue in IOK so he can get his narrative back on track.”