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Monday, July 22, 2024

New Political Party in the Making as Leaders Mull Their Options

Miftah Ismail, a key figure in the PML-N, along with Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Mustafa Khokhar, is actively considering the launch of this new political entity.

Prominent leaders from the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) are contemplating the creation of a new political party as they assess the changing dynamics of Pakistan’s political landscape.

Imran Khan’s Popularity in Focus

Miftah Ismail, a key figure in the PML-N, along with Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Mustafa Khokhar, is actively considering the launch of this new political entity. Their deliberations stem from the belief that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Imran Khan currently holds unparalleled popularity, a notion supported by a recent opinion poll.

Miftah Ismail revealed that a public opinion survey conducted in July this year indicated Imran Khan’s significant lead in popularity over other political figures. This revelation has spurred the trio into exploring the feasibility of a new political party.

Assessing Public Sentiment

The three leaders are strategically gauging public sentiment, both through discussions with various stakeholders and by fostering discourse on the matter in the media and on social platforms. While Khokhar appears enthusiastic about launching the new party, Abbasi and Ismail remain undecided about taking the plunge.

Nonetheless, all three leaders concur that the evolving political landscape allows room for the emergence of a new political party. The critical question they grapple with is whether they possess the capability to attract supporters to such a venture.

Backing From Public Opinion

To gain a deeper understanding of the political climate, the trio commissioned a public opinion poll to assess the popularity of various political parties and leaders. The findings have reinforced their belief in the necessity of a new political party.

They posit that a substantial number of voters, presently leaning towards Imran Khan and the PTI due to their disapproval of the PML-N, could be swayed by a new political entity. These voters, not entirely devoted to either the PTI or PML-N, may find a new party more appealing.

Challenges Within Their Respective Parties

This potential shift in political allegiance comes in the wake of challenges faced by Imran Khan and the PTI since May 9, which may pave the way for a new political force to attract dissatisfied voters.

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Each of the three leaders has had their share of conflicts within their respective parties. Khokhar, a former PPP member, left the party after making statements critical of powerful entities. Miftah Ismail faced marginalization within the PML-N for advocating economic policies different from those of Ishaq Dar.

Furthermore, he criticized Dar’s tenure as finance minister and argued that he had faced criticism during his own term. This stance created a rift between him and the Sharif family.

Abbasi’s Discontent

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi distanced himself from the PML-N’s top leadership over several months, signaling his dissatisfaction with the politics of all major political parties, including the PML-N. His decision to decline the PML-N ticket for the upcoming elections and resign from the position of senior vice-president further underscored his growing disconnect with the party.

As these leaders contemplate the creation of a new political party, they navigate a rapidly evolving political landscape, exploring the potential to reshape Pakistan’s political future.