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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

No peace talks with India until it revokes Art. 370, PM Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan is addressing a live broadcast session to respond to the questions of the public.

Prime Minister Imran Khan has once again said that there can be no talked with India unless article 370 is reinstated and the Kashmir’s earlier autonomous status is restored.

Notably, Pakistan has categorically rejected that it is holding “any” peace talks with India through backdoor channels or with third-party mediation.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, in an interview with TRT, a Turkish media outlet, noted that the UAE has good relations with both South Asian nuclear states, but there were no such talks going on between them.

He was referring to media reports claiming that the two countries are engaged in secret talks to defuse tensions, with the UAE mediating the process.

Prime Minister Imran Khan is addressing a live broadcast session to respond to the questions of the public.

During the last session on April 4, the premier said that he could not defeat corruption alone without the support of the judiciary.

Responding to the public’s questions during a live broadcast session, the premier stressed the need for cohesive efforts by the society for the success of the jihad against corruption.

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PM Imran said the powerful elite had embezzled the national wealth by holding on to powerful offices and then resorted to money laundering as they could not hide such huge amounts in their respective countries.

Expressing his resolve, the premier said: “We have to win this fight – the fight for the rule of law. It’s vital for the country’s survival.”