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Thursday, July 18, 2024

NZ terror attack: Mehbooba Mufti has important advice for India

News Analysis |

Former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Mehbooba Mufti has asked the Indian government to learn lessons from the terrorist attack on two mosques in New Zealand, in which more than 49 Muslims, including two Pakistanis, have been martyred.

Ms. Mufti took to Twitter on Friday to appreciate the conduct of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern following the tragic incident aimed to target the Muslim community in Christchurch city. She wrote: “Admire how New Zealand PM conducted herself & addressed the media post #christchurchnz attacks. Clearly stating that there is no place for such terror attacks & that NZ is home to all the migrant communities regardless of their religion. Respect for such leadership qualities.”

Moreover, taking the BJP government to task for its heinous human right abuse in Kashmir Mufti said, “We all have a lesson or two to learn from it [attack on mosques]. Had the same incident happened here [India], the leadership would have politicized it, indulged in warmongering and covertly supported attacks on Muslims.”

As a matter of fact, Kashmir has been a battlefield for the last seven decades where Indian army have not only committed gross human rights violations but also suppressed the political rights of the people of the valley. A large number of Indian troops are present in Kashmir which has made the matter more serious and dangerous.

Muslims are the most vulnerable target of the extremists in India who offer them two options; become Hindu or leave the country. “First, a campaign was launched to convert religious minorities to Hinduism.

Due to indiscriminate use of force and pellet guns, many innocent children and women have lost their eyes in Kashmir. In a recent documentary, BBC Hindi presented a two years old baby who has lost her one eye due to the use of pellet guns.

Muslims are Under Threat in PM Modi’s India

It is important to note here that since after the electoral win of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi the country has been undergoing massive socio-political change and moving towards an extremist Hindu state. Media reports suggest that freedom is under threat in India and secular values are being replaced with extremist Hindu ideology where religious minority enjoys little space to practice their religious teachings.

Read more: NZ terror attack: PM Khan calls it ‘Islamophobic’

Muslims are the most vulnerable target of the extremists in India who offer them two options; become Hindu or leave the country. “First, a campaign was launched to convert religious minorities to Hinduism. The right-wing groups called it ‘home-coming.’ Now, they are demanding bans on certain books and beef eating. Those who don’t listen to these groups are being targeted every now and then,” Rakesh Batabyal, an associate professor at the Centre for Media Studies in New Delhi, told an international media outlet.

A senior leader of Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) Muzaffar Hussain last year expressed his anger and warned Indian leadership of one more partition if atrocities against Muslims are not stopped. “I want to tell Prime Minister Narendra Modi that he should put an end to the killing of Muslims in the name of cow slaughter. This country has once been partitioned into two, and there can be more partitions if killings of Muslims are not stopped immediately,” Mr. Hussain has said.

Read more: New Zealand massacre provides test for live video platforms

International media and analysts have also shown severe reservations over the treatment of Muslim in contemporary India where Prime Minister Nagendra Modi is allegedly using anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan cards to win the upcoming general elections. Markandey Katju, former Indian Judge has recently said that Indian democracy is under threat not because of Muslims or Pakistan but only because of sitting Indian Prime Minister who is turning India from a secular state to an extremist Hindu state.