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Monday, October 21, 2024

India’s fascist rhetoric in Kashmir provokes military escalation, Qureshi tells OIC

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, foreign minister Qureshi has raised concerns in the OIC contact group regarding India's unlawful actions in Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Monday said that India is aggressively pursuing its fascist rhetoric against Pakistan in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), reported Dawn News. The minister made the comments during a meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) Contact Group on Kashmir.

The group met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York on Sunday and discussed the worrying situation in the occupied valley owing to increasing human rights violations by Indian troops stationed there.

Fascist RSS-BJP trying to demographically change occupied Kashmir

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the UN, Munir Akram, relayed the foreign minister’s message in the meeting, stating that the RSS-BJP regime in India was implementing the so-called “final solution” in the occupied lands.

Read more: Indian troops kill Kashmiri man in front of 3 year old: Pakistan disgusted

India, he claimed, was undertaking and influencing demographic changes in the disputed land through introduction of new laws and domicile rules. “The issuance of 1.6 million domicile certificates since March is meant to change the demography of IOJK from a Muslim majority into a Hindu majority territory,” he said. During the meeting, FM Qureshi stated how India was also changing Urdu as the official language in the area through new laws in order to diminish the Muslim identity of the people in IIOJK.

Read more: “India-washing” continues in Occupied Kashmir: rights report

The foreign minister highlighted the human rights violations in the region, signifying the extrajudicial killings by India in the occupied territory, which take place under the guise of “fake encounters”, “cordon and search” operations, and rejected India’s stance of normalcy in IIOJK. The foreign minister informed the group that in 2020 alone, India had committed over 2,200 ceasefire violations along the border with Pakistan.

India must reverse all unilateral actions taken in IIOJK: Qureshi

“There is a tangible threat of further escalation as India might conduct another false flag operation to justify renewed aggression against Pakistan, posing a serious threat to regional peace and security,” he said. The foreign minister stated that India must rescind all unilateral actions taken since August 5, 2019 and must lift the sanctions on the people Kashmir.

“Allow unhindered access to fact finding missions and the international media to investigate human rights violations in the occupied lands,” he said. All the members of the OIC contact group reaffirmed the foreign minister’s views and recommendations and pledged support for Kashmir.

Read more: Violence Against Kashmiri Women

The OIC contact group requested the UN Secretary General, the UN Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council to hold India accountable for its unlawful actions and human rights violations in the region, reverse the unilateral actions taken in IIOJK and observe plebiscite for the Kashmiri people according to the UN resolutions.

GVS News Desk with additional input by other sources