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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Pakistan Firm on No Talks with TTP Amid Growing Security Concerns

Pakistan reiterates refusal to engage in talks with TTP amidst escalating security concerns, emphasizing the need for Afghan action against terrorism; addresses Afghan migration policy and underscores openness to security cooperation with the United States while participating in the SCO meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Pakistan reiterated its stance of not engaging in talks with the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), emphasizing its commitment to combating terrorism. This declaration came in response to Afghan Deputy Interior Minister Mohammad Nabi Omari’s suggestion for dialogue between Pakistan and TTP. Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch firmly stated that Pakistan expects Afghanistan to take decisive action against terrorist groups, highlighting the escalating violence in both countries.

Amidst the backdrop of a recent terror attack in Shangla that claimed the lives of Chinese engineers working on the Dasu Dam, concerns have intensified regarding TTP-affiliated outfits’ involvement. Baloch indicated that Pakistan is actively considering various measures in response to the attack and is conducting a comprehensive investigation into the incident in Bisham. She underscored Pakistan’s intention to raise concerns with Afghan authorities if evidence of a clear connection emerges.

Addressing Afghan Migration and Security Cooperation

Responding to criticisms regarding Afghan nationals being instructed to leave ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr, Baloch clarified Pakistan’s stance on illegal foreigners, emphasizing the importance of lawful immigration practices. She noted a significant voluntary return of Afghans to their homeland in recent months, with a limited number facing deportation. However, she refrained from announcing new measures concerning Afghan repatriation at the current juncture.

Additionally, Baloch addressed the issue of security cooperation between Pakistan and the United States, highlighting Pakistan’s openness to learning from countries with experience in counterterrorism efforts. She emphasized potential areas for collaboration, particularly in combatting terrorism, echoing sentiments expressed by President Biden and Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif in their recent correspondence.

Regional Security Concerns and SCO Meeting

Against the backdrop of heightened regional security concerns, Pakistan participated in the 19th regular meeting of the Secretaries of the Security Councils of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana, Kazakhstan.

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Secretary of the National Security Division, Waqar Ahmad, led Pakistan’s delegation at the meeting, where strategic security issues affecting SCO member states, including terrorism and extremism, were discussed. Ahmad underscored the imperative of a peaceful and stable Afghanistan for regional prosperity and advocated for a comprehensive approach to address multifaceted challenges in the region.