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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Pakistan reacts strongly to the provocative statements by Indian defence minister

The Foreign Office Spokesperson, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, issued a press statement cautioning India to exercise utmost restraint, as its belligerent rhetoric posed a serious threat to regional peace and stability.

Pakistan expressed strong disapproval on Wednesday regarding the provocative remarks of Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh during his visit to Drass, Ladakh.

Singh’s statements, boasting India’s preparedness to cross the Line of Control (LoC), have heightened existing tensions in the region. In response, the Pakistan Foreign Office reminded Indian authorities that it possessed the capability to defend against any acts of aggression.

The Foreign Office Spokesperson, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, issued a press statement cautioning India to exercise utmost restraint, as its belligerent rhetoric posed a serious threat to regional peace and stability. Pakistan emphasized that such behavior only contributed to the destabilization of the strategic environment in South Asia.

This was not the first instance of Indian political leaders and senior military officers making irresponsible remarks concerning Azad Jammu, Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan, further exacerbating the already sensitive situation. Pakistan called on India to refrain from making inflammatory and nationalistic statements, underscoring that Pakistan was fully capable of defending itself against any form of aggression.

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The spokesperson urged India to cease involving Pakistan in its populist public discourse, which aimed to fuel hyper-nationalism and seek electoral gains. Such practices needed to be abandoned for the sake of regional stability.

Regarding the situation in Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan reiterated that it was an internationally recognized disputed territory. UN Security Council resolutions have called for resolving the matter through a democratic and impartial plebiscite, allowing the people’s will to determine the territory’s final disposition.

Pakistan advised India to adhere to and implement these resolutions rather than entertaining grandiose ambitions.

The longstanding tensions between Pakistan and India have been a matter of concern for the international community. The recent remarks by India’s Defense Minister have added further complexity to the situation, necessitating a cautious and diplomatic approach to prevent any escalation.

As both nations grapple with the intricacies of their bilateral relations, the importance of dialogue and peaceful resolution becomes increasingly critical. The international community remains hopeful that both sides will engage in constructive talks to find a lasting solution to the prolonged dispute over Jammu and Kashmir. Until then, global attention remains focused on the region to avert any escalation of hostilities.