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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pakistan strongly condemns India’s ‘rogue behavior’: PM Imran Khan

This incident has highlighted India's disregard for international law and the United Nations, Khan stated. He further went on to state that the attack was intentional because there were clear UN markings and a flag on the vehicle. 

In a series of tweets, Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed his condemnation of the attack on the UN vehicle carrying observers from the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), by Indian troops at LoC. This incident has highlighted India’s disregard for international law and the United Nations, Khan stated. He further went on to state that the attack was intentional because there were clear UN markings and a flag on the vehicle. 

“In complete violation of international law, India’s deliberate firing at the LoC on the UNMOGIP vehicle, despite clear UN markings and flying blue UN flag, shows India’s total disregard for all international norms of acceptable state behavior and respect for international law and the UN. Pakistan strongly condemns this rogue behavior,” tweeted Khan.

Read more: Indian troops target UN vehicle in Chirikot Sector

Khan further went on to say that the Indian government would divert international attention from their current internal problems like poor management of Covid-19, economic crisis, and farmers’ protest to Pakistan by conducting a false flag operation against it. 

“I want to again warn the world community, as India’s internal problems mount, especially economic recession, growing farmers’ protests and mishandling of Covid-19, the Modi government will divert from the internal mess by conducting a false flag operation against Pakistan,” warned Khan.

While highlighting India’s aggression against Pakistan, Khan mentioned that there have been 3000 Indian ceasefire violations at LoC in 2020 alone. Consequently, these violations have resulted in 276 casualties, including 92 women and 68 children.

Read more: At UN, Pakistan highlights Kashmiris, Palestinians fight for self-determination

“Already, in 2020 alone, there have been 3,000 Indian ceasefire violations along the LoC and Working Boundary, by unprovoked firing deliberately targeting civilians – resulting in 276 casualties, of which 92 were women and 68 children.”

Khan reiterated that Pakistan will not hold back if India thinks of conducting a false flag operation against Pakistan. India will have to face a strong national Pakistani resolve, and will be given an equal response. 

 “I am making absolutely clear to the international community that if India was to be reckless enough to conduct a false flag operation against Pakistan, it would confront a strong national Pakistani resolve and be given a befitting response at all levels of the threat. Make no mistake.”

Read more: Indian Terrorism Dossier: Pakistan Foreign Office exposes Indian support to terrorism

On Friday, the United Nations (UN) observers were on their way to Polas village in Azad Jammu and Kashmir to meet the victims of the Indian ceasefire violations in the Chirikot Sector of the Line of Control (LOC).

“Both the Observers present in the vehicle thankfully remained unharmed and were safely rescued and evacuated to Rawalakot by the Pakistan Army. However, their vehicle sustained damage,” a Foreign Office spokesperson said in a statement.

Read more: Pakistan summons Indian diplomat to protest attack on UN Observers at LoC

He said the attack was unambiguously premeditated as the UN vehicles were clearly recognizable even from long distances due to their distinctive marking and blue flag.

He said the deliberate targeting of a UN vehicle, engaged in discharging the mandate of the UN Security Council, constituted a grave violation of India’s obligations, under the Council’s resolutions and the UN Charter, which included the obligation to ensure the safety and security of the UNMOGIP Observers.

Read more: UNGA unanimously adopts Pakistan’s resolution on peoples’ right to self-determination