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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Pakistan will never initiate War, Wars Do Not Resolve Conflicts: Imran Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan reiterated his stance that Pakistan will not initiate a war with India, and instead, seeks a peaceful resolution of conflicts through bilateral dialogue. He stressed that wars can never resolve any conflict.

Prime Minister Imran Khan, on Monday, stated that both Pakistan and India are nuclear powers and any escalation in tensions can pose a grave threat to regional and global peace. The premier stressed that Pakistan will never initiate a military dispute.

Addressing the last session of the 3-day International Sikh Convention, held at the Governor House, the premier noted that the two countries are sitting atop a ticking bomb, which begs for a joint-strategy aimed at eliminating the scourge of widespread poverty, unemployment and the multifaceted hazards of climate change as opposed debating the possibilities of a nuclear confrontation.

The Convention was attended by Governor Punjab Chaudhry Sarwar, federal and provincial cabinet members, and Sikh leaders and pilgrims from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe and other states.

Pakistan will not Start a War

Prime Minister Imran Khan said, “Shortly after assuming the Prime Ministerial office, I undertook an initiative to ease out bilateral tensions between India and Pakistan, and stressed that Pakistan will take two steps forward if India takes one. In my conversation with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, I advised him to resolve the longstanding Kashmir dispute by initiating dialogue.”

The Premier lamented that New Delhi’s response to his peace overtures was disappointing. He observed that during the past year, India put forward multiple conditions that indicated that it was a superpower and Pakistan was a poor country. Imran Khan stressed that war is not the solution to any problem, and those who seek it as an option are mere fools.

Governor Punjab assured that the Sikh community will be provided with superior security and protection during their pilgrimages to holy sites.

Khan said, “Pakistan and India are nuclear-armed countries. If tensions escalate, they will threaten the peace of the entire world.” The Premier reiterated that Pakistan will never initiate a war. He warned that starting a war will only lead to aggravated challenges and crises as opposed to resolving the issues the two countries are dealing with.

The Premier observed that those who believed that war was an option regretted it for decades to come. He said, “I do not believe that war can resolve any issues. Everyone who has attempted to eliminate problems by initiating a war has lost, even in victory. It takes decades to recover from the losses of war.”

No Religion Allows Injustice

Prime Minister Imran Khan condemned the ideologies and actions of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sang (RSS) that is inhumanely butchering and mistreating Muslims across India. He stressed that no religion across the world promotes injustice and inhumane actions against innocent people, including women and children.

He said, “No religion supports the oppression of minorities, but in fact, all Prophets and religious teachers have spread the message of justice, humanity and compassion to create a civilized society.”

He observed that the RSS is steering India with racist and fascist ideology, and the country will not be able to return towards secularism if the RSS is left unchecked. Imran Khan condemned the 30-day long curfew imposed in the occupied valley of Kashmir, which has turned the valley into a virtual prison for its eight million population.

Read more: Kartarpur corridor to remain open for Sikhs despite India tensions

The premier lamented that eight million Kashmiris are confined in their homes, faced with acute shortages of food, money and lifesaving medicines. He observed that Pakistan is trying to convince New Delhi to put an end to its oppressive measures directed against Muslims across India and in occupied Kashmir.

Imran Khan said that Pakistan is mounting pressure to eliminate the ideology of inhumane oppression of minorities, and he urged the Sikh community to raise their voice against religious oppression. Khan urged the Sikh community to highlight the torture and brutality suffered by the Muslims across India and Indian-occupied Kashmir. He promised that Pakistan will emerge as a country where minorities are well-protected and enjoy equal rights as citizens.

Sikh Pilgrims to be Facilitated

Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the PTI-led government will facilitate Sikh pilgrims and provide them with convenient processes that allow them ease and convenience of visiting their religious sites. He also pledged to improve and develop their religious sites across Pakistan.

The Premier noted that the 550th Birth Anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak will be celebrated with great enthusiasm alongside the Sikh community. Imran Khan announced that Sikhs will be provided multiple visa and on-arrival visas, alongside maximum facilities to ensure convenience during their pilgrimages to holy sites across Pakistan.

He said, “I promise that you will be provided with multiple visas and visa on-arrival. It is our responsibility to facilitate you by providing your visa at the airport. The Sikh community will be provided multiple visas to facilitate the pilgrimage to and from India.”

Governor Punjab Chaudhry Sarwar noted that 90% of construction on the Kartarpur Corridor has been completed, and it will be fully operational in the second week of November. Governor Punjab assured that the Sikh community will be provided with superior security and protection during their pilgrimages to holy sites.