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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Rumors of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan’s death dismissed

Recently, rumors began circulating on social media that renowned nuclear scientist of Pakistan Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan passed away. However, the reports turned out to be fake. Is it possible that enemies of Dr. Abdul Qadeer are once again spreading fake news to demoralize Pakistan?

Friday, rumors began circulating on social media that Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan passed away. The news shook the nation as Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is considered a hero for building the Muslim world’s first atomic bomb.

However, the news turned out to be false. Sources confirmed that Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is alive and needs prayers. He fell ill, but he is feeling better now.

The false reports regarding his death came when Abdul Qadeer Khan was shifted to the hospital a few days ago. The father of Pakistan’s nuclear program tested positive for Covid and got admitted to a hospital’s Covid ward due to his critical condition.

According to his spokesman, Dr. Khan was admitted to KRL hospital on August 26 after he tested positive for COVID-19.

Sources in his family contacted the media today and said Abdul Qadeer Khan’s health is improving gradually.

Read more: A.Q. Khan: Nuclear hero to Pakistan, villain to West

The news about his frail health sparked rumors about his death. Moreover, Wikipedia updated Abdul Qadeer Khan’s bio page and added the day of death which further spread the rumors. Wikipedia later made the corrections but the damage was done.

Enemies at play once again?

This is not the first time rumors of Abdul Qadeer Khan’s death spread. Back in 2019, Abdul Qadeer himself dismissed the rumors.

In a video message shared to the media, Dr. Qadeer Khan said he was alive and healthy. He also expressed anger over the rumors, saying that his enemies were spreading the fake news.

“Thanks to the Almighty, I am alive and well. Enemies are spreading fake news about my death. God willing, I will live on for a few more years,” Khan said in the video to clarify.

To further discredit the false reports, Dr. Qadeer Khan also held up the latest copy of a newspaper at that time, lest the video should also fall victim to propaganda.

Read more: Misinformation: a threat to Pakistan’s national security

The father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb

Pakistanis hail atomic scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan as a national hero for transforming Pakistan into the world’s first Islamic nuclear power.

Revered as the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb, Khan gained a mass appreciation for bringing the nation up to par with arch-rival India in the atomic field and making its defenses “impregnable”. He made remarkable contributions to Pakistan’s nuclear tests.

However, the West regards him as a dangerous renegade responsible for smuggling technology to rogue states. In addition, the 1998 nuclear test saw Pakistan slapped with international sanctions.

Read more: A.Q. Khan: Nuclear hero to Pakistan, villain to West