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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Two more Kashmiris martyred in occupied Kashmir

Another two martyred in occupied Kashmir

Earlier today in Srinigar, Indian troops martyred another two Kashmiris during a search and cordon-off operation in Shopian district of Indian occupied Kashmir in a fresh act of state terrorism. 

According to the Kashmir Media Service (KMS), the troops also continued their cordon and search operations in several other areas of the territory.

The Indian occupation forces continued their acts of state-terrorism in illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and martyred 18 Kashmiris including one in custody during the last month of September.

The killings rendered two women widowed and four children orphaned by the brutal action of the Indian troops, according to a report issued by the Kashmir Media Service (KMS).

During the period, at least 16 persons were injured due to the use of brute force including the firing of bullets, pellets and teargas shells by Indian troops and police personnel on peaceful protesters in the territory.

Indian police and paramilitary personnel arrested 88 people and destroyed or damaged 14 residential houses and structures during 567 cordons and search operations in different areas of the occupied Kashmir during September.

The Indian forces, in their everlasting state terrorism in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK), martyred two more Kashmiri youngsters in Islamabad district two weeks ago.

The youngsters were killed by troops during a cordon and search operation in the Bijbehara area of the district. The troops also launched a cordon and search operations in Shopian, Pulwama and Budgam districts.

Read More: Future of the Kashmir Issue

In Mid-September, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi had said that the Indian strategy of using force in the occupied Kashmir has totally failed. Qureshi had reiterated that the Kashmir dispute cannot be solved by the use of force.

The Former Minister had further said that India tried to use force to “gag the voice of the Kashmiris through draconian laws and restrictions”. There is no precedent of the atrocities that have been committed in IOK since August 5 last year and he made it clear that India cannot succeed in resolving the dispute by these atrocities.

Turkey expresses concern for Kashmir 

Prime Minister Imran Khan has “deeply” appreciated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for “once again raising his voice in support of the rights of the Kashmiri people” during his address to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), reported Express Tribune, last week. 

PM Khan left a tweet on social media where he said: “Turkey’s unwavering support remains a source of strength for the Kashmiris in their legitimate struggle for self determination.” Addressing the 75th session of the UN General Assembly via video link, the Turkish president said the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan was a “burning issue”, and called for resolving it through dialogue.

Read More: Op-ed: Future of Muslims in India

“We are in favour of solving this issue through dialogue, within the framework of the United Nations resolutions and especially in line with the expectations of the people of Kashmir,” the Turkish leader added.