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Thursday, July 18, 2024

US not interested in creation of Palestinian state, seeks economic reforms

UN has reluctantly decided to send their humanitarian coordinator to Bahrain conference. Palestine has boycotted the conference due to Kushner's statement about financially aiding but not being interested in making a Palestinian state.


After weeks of hesitation, the United Nations announced Wednesday that it is sending its deputy Middle East coordinator to attend the unveiling of the economic component of a new US peace plan.

Jamie McGoldrick, who is also the UN’s humanitarian coordinator in the occupied Palestinian territories, will travel to Bahrain for the June 25-26 conference, said UN spokesman Farhan Haq.

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has been drafting the long-awaited peace plan that has already been rejected by the Palestinians, who expect the proposals to heavily favor Israel.

The plan is aimed at providing economic opportunities for the Palestinians, but Kushner has hinted that it will not endorse international calls for the creation of a Palestinian state.

Read more: US hammers last nail in coffin and buries Palestinian peacemaking efforts

Several UN resolutions have enshrined the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the path to a peace settlement.

The Palestinian Authority has already said it will boycott the Bahrain conference after it cut ties with the US administration over Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The United Nations said in late May that it was not planning to send a representative to the Bahrain conference.

US Moved its Embassy to Jerusalem

(Addition by GVS news desk)

The United States moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on 14th May to coincide with Israel’s 70th Independence Day, the State Department said late February, in a move reversing decades of U.S. policy.

“This is a great day for the people of Israel,” Israel’s Premier Netanyahu said in the statement. “This decision will turn the 70th anniversary of Israeli independence into an even bigger celebration. Thank you, President Trump, for your leadership and your friendship.”

The decision lauded by many in Israel but garnered criticism from around the world.

AFP with additional input by GVS news desk