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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wife Beats Maulana On Returning Home Without Imran Khan’s Resignation

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. A poor husband faced the wrath of his wife when he returned home empty-handed.

A woman, in Rahim Yar Khan, assaulted her husband for returning home without Imran Khan’s resignation from JUI-F’s Azaadi March. Woman vented out the frustration of Azaadi March’s failure on her husband who participated in the 15-day sit-in at Islamabad.

Maulvi Fazluddin filed a complaint in Rahim Yar Khan’s Police station, calling his wife’s action as unjustified. When asked woman retorted that her husband stayed away from home for weeks yet returned home empty-handed when he assured he will return with PM Khan’s resignation.


The woman added that her husband prevaricated when she asked him about the resignation, which infuriated her. The husband now insists on Police to take legal action against his wife.

A score of JUI-F’s protestors were left disheartened after the Azaadi March sit-in ended without achieving PM Khan’s resignation.

Back in Islamabad, citizen complaint of filth and stink on the city’s Kashmir Highway after JUI-F protestors packed-up and left.

Read more: Imran Khan’s Miracles: Liberals & Maulvis Are Standing Together “Against Him”

The Capital Development Authority swiftly initiated an operation to clear the area. Approximately four dumpers and 350 people were deployed to clear the area. The supervisor of the operation asserted that ‘there is a lot of trash’. DC Islamabad, Hamza Shafqat, shared the video of the workers cleaning the area.

People, however, have expressed agitation over the JUI-F Azaadi March. They called out the government to formulate laws to stop political parties from thronging the capital city and keeping it block for days. This trend must be discouraged since it causes inconvenience to the citizens.

Previously, the political and religious party including PTI, TLP, and PAT staged demonstrations in Islamabad against the PML-N government.

Nevertheless, the government of Pakistan had paid a heavy cost of Rs.527.60 million for JUI-F’s Azaadi March sit-in in Islamabad. The official report states a hefty amount was spent on the security arrangement for the Azaadi March.

Read more: Azaadi March: Female journalists Treated As ‘Aliens’ By JUI-F Protestors

The costs were incurred on the transportation and food of additional troops called in the federal capital to maintain law and order in twin cities-Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Nearly, 19000 security personnel from FC and other security agencies were called in for duty; Rs 30 million/per day were spent on the accommodation, fuel, and food for the security personnel. By the end of the Azaadi March, the expenditure accumulated to a total of Rs.450 million for 15 days.