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Thursday, July 18, 2024

“Will sit in opposition” says Fazal

"Wait and watch, we will protest alongside you."

JUI-F leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman made a significant announcement on Thursday, declaring that his party would assume seats on the opposition benches and abstain from involvement in the forthcoming coalition government. Additionally, he stated his refusal to partake in the voting procedures for the positions of premier, president, speaker, and deputy speaker. Addressing the media within the Parliament House, Fazl asserted his skepticism regarding the prospective government’s ability to serve out its full five-year term.

Previously, the JUI-F chief had issued warnings of an imminent “system collapse” in the country due to what he perceived as excessive interference from the establishment. During a press conference in Peshawar, he diverged from his usual criticism of PTI founder Imran Khan, instead emphasizing his consistent opposition to the incarceration of political figures.

In response to inquiries about potential participation in PTI protests or the initiation of his own protest movement, Fazl cryptically replied, “Wait and watch, we will protest alongside you.” Today marked the swearing-in ceremony for the newly elected members of the 16th National Assembly, among whom Fazl was included.

Party targeted due to Israel & Afghanistan 

Fazl emphasized the imminent collapse of the system due to unwarranted establishment interference, stressing that the establishment aimed to control the composition of elected assembly members to suit its preferences. He cited his party’s past protests against election rigging in 2018 and expressed apprehension over the escalating interference in the country’s political landscape, even suggesting that election candidates were subjected to undue influence.

Regarding the recent elections, Fazl claimed foreknowledge of his party’s suppression in the February 8 vote due to alleged ties to Afghanistan and opposition to Israel. Additionally, he announced his party’s decision to adopt a “neutral” stance in the upcoming presidential elections and to refrain from participation in the selection of speakers, deputy speakers, and house leaders.

More to read:Fazl claims Bajwa and Faiz engineered the no-confidence vote against Imran

Following the swearing-in ceremony, the newly elected MNAs signed the registration rolls. Tomorrow, on March 1, elections for the Lower House speaker and deputy speaker will take place. The proceedings were marred by a confrontation between MNAs-elect from the Sunni Ittehad Council and PML-N members, resulting in a vociferous exchange of slogans and chants.