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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Yasin Malik gets life in jail instead of death penalty

The NIA had earlier demanded the maximum punishment under Section 121 (Waging war against the government) which is the death penalty in this case. The minimum punishment is life imprisonment.

Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik was today sentenced to life in prison by a special Delhi court. Earlier, India’s National Investigation Agency had sought the death penalty for Yasin Malik in a fictitious terrorism case.

“Two life sentences and five punishments of 10 years of rigorous imprisonment each have been awarded. All sentences are to run concurrently. A monetary penalty of over ₹ 10 lakh has also been levied,” lawyer Umesh Sharma said.

According to details, the NIA demanded the maximum punishment under Section 121 (Waging war against the government) which is the death penalty in this case. The minimum punishment is life imprisonment.

To clarify, Yasmin Malik is the Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front, an armed group that rose against Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir. However, Yasmin Malik renounced violence in 1994 and adopted peaceful methods to come to a settlement on the Kashmir conflict.

Read more: Pakistan Senate expresses solidarity with Yasin Malik

In 2019, the Indian government arrested Malik, banned the JKLF, and stripped Indian-administered Kashmir of its special status.

Last week, Yasmin Malik was charged with “terrorist” acts, illegally raising funds, being a member of a “terrorist organisation,” criminal conspiracy, and sedition, Aljazeera reported.

Pakistan condemns conviction of Yasin Malik

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday vociferously condemned the conviction of prominent Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik.

In a tweet, Prime Minister Sharif said Pakistan rejected India’s failed tactics against Yasin Malik, who was a symbol of unparalleled bravery and freedom. He urged the international community, including the United Nations and the Human Rights Council, to take note of India’s extrajudicial measures.

Moreover, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said Yasin Malik is the most prominent and respected voice among Hurriyat leaders in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K). He added that Hurriyat leader’s firm resolve against decades of Indian oppression could not be shaken by such travesties of justice.

“I demand acquittal of Yasin Malik. The fabricated charges against him must be dropped. He must be released forthwith and allowed to reunite with his family,” said FM, adding India must release all political prisoners and stop human rights violations in the IIOJ&K.

Read more: Yasin Malik refuses to ask Indian Supreme Court for Mercy