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Thursday, October 24, 2024

K Hussan Zia


Recognizing the Bangladesh Genocide of 1971

Given the impossible odds against it, to suggest that the Pakistan Army had the time and means to perpetrate genocide that killed three million innocent Bengalis in a few months defies imagination.

Partition of Punjab!

Coming to the act of partition, the British Government had appointed Sir Cyril Radcliffe as head of the Boundary Commission that demarcated the borders between India and Pakistan. He had never even visited the country.

Why Pakistan’s future is in jeopardy?

Criticism for the sake of criticism, frivolous sermons and gratuitous advice, served out to people who have repeatedly demonstrated their inability to deliver, is an exercise in futility. We need to move on and play our own part in the best way we can.

Was Jinnah a Communalist?

The resolution passed by the Muslim League in Lahore in March 1940, which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan, directed the Muslim League Working Party as a whole, not Mr. Jinnah exclusively, to work for geographically contiguous units to be demarcated into regions.

How we lost half of Pakistan?

The absence of authentic information has given rise to speculation, fabrication and distortion of facts by vested interests. Unfortunately, due to limitations of space, only some of the less-known relevant details can be narrated here. The history of Pakistan as a country starts with the Lahore Resolution

Lack of planning: Pakistan’s number one problem?

K. Hussan Zia thinks corruption is only a small part of Pakistan's problem. What the country lacks are organization and planning. With a bit of honest initiative, Pakistan, which is run on political whims and fancies, can fix most of its problems, if not all.

Why and How India was Partitioned

Author and retired naval officer discusses the intricacies of the India- Pakistan partition, which was not only hugely mismanaged by the British but also deliberately pushed as such by Indian politicians; blatantly stacked against Pakistan, in the hope the country would collapse.

India’s partition: The reality of how and...

The partition between India and Pakistan was a major event in the Sub-continent's history. While highlighting all the important incidents that took place, Mr. Zia thinks that the entire process of partition was a botched affair and could have been managed in a better way.