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Big man in the office: PM Khan makes another peace offering

News Desk |

Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed the country in a televised address on the recent escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan after Pakistan shot down two Indian aircraft earlier today, Wednesday 27th February 2019. PM Khan said that Pakistan had offered complete cooperation for any form of investigation that the state of India wanted to carry out after the Pulawama tragedy.

PM Khan said that Pakistan itself has suffered at the hands of terrorism with tens of thousands of casualties in the past decade. PM Khan said that still, he was afraid that India might trigger an escalation due to the upcoming elections as anti-Pakistan rhetoric is the biggest seller in Indian political spectra.

The Prime Minister also said that Pakistan had not responded to the attack on Monday night because Pakistan wished to assess the damage first “It would have been a diplomatic disaster if we had attacked without any damage inflicted by the Indian side”. PM Khan further said that Pakistan has shot down two MIGs that crossed the Pakistani airspace on Wednesday morning, “We have the pilots”.

Read more: There are no winners in wars, only humanity loses: DG ISPR

The Prime Minister went on to address his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi “Where do we go from here? War yields nothing and is always based on miscalculations. Look at the World Wars, look at the US wars; did the US know it would be stuck in Afghanistan for 17 years? Look at the Vietnam War; wars are always based on miscalculations.

The kind of weapons we [Pakistan and India] possess, can we afford a miscalculation?” the PM said. Prime Minister Imran Khan then made another peace offering in an appreciable move “I ask you again, to resolve this through dialogue. We cannot afford to go to war. Let’s resolve this amicably”.