KP Assembly to pass a bill to give permanent and legal status  to the Sehat Card Program

A bill has been presented in the ongoing assembly session to a give legal protection to the PTI Government’s flagship free healthcare initiative, the Sehat Card program

Monkeypox: WHO raises alarm about another contiguous disease

As it is spread by close contact so it can be relatively easily contained through such measures as self-isolation and hygiene. People usually recover within two to four weeks without needing to be hospitalized, but the disease is occasionally deadly.

WHO emergency meeting on monkeypox outbreak: What does it mean?

The disease is incurable and it’s already been found in at least 10 countries

US court allows Texas to resume ban on most abortions

On Wednesday evening, US District Judge Robert Pitman issued a preliminary injunction halting enforcement of the Texas law. However, the New Orleans-based Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily set aside Wednesday's ruling, effectively reinstating a ban on most abortions.

Experts reveal bats with Covid-like viruses found in Laos

International experts sent to China by the World Health Organization (WHO) in January concluded that it was most likely that the SARS-CoV-2 virus jumped from bats to humans via an intermediate animal.

Covid stats see a dip in Pakistan; a ray of hope?

As economic activities reach a stalemate in the wake of lockdown measures, Pakistan’s troubles have only multiplied. To ensure that the curve remains flattened and daily activities related to livelihood remain seamless to an extent, the NCOC is working untiringly to make ends meet.

Hong Kong Police catches $7.3m smuggled drugs from Pakistan

Hong Kong Police arrest two brothers in connection with the 1500 consignments of bedding coming from Pakistan, laden with illegal drugs. It has successfully disrupted up to 910 kg of drug supplies from entering the market in the first half of this year

Pakistan donates PPEs to Afghanistan for the fight against COVID-19

Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority has donated Personal Protection Equipment to Afghanistan to combat Covid-19.

Punjab government threatens to block non-vaccinated citizens’ sim cards

Punjab health authority has announced that citizens who refuse to get their covid vaccination jabs will have their mobile services blocked.

Research reveals children have stronger antibody response to Covid

Children who are 10 and younger produce more antibodies in response to coronavirus infection than adolescents and adults, a study showed Monday. The authors of...

New study can help treat anxiety disorders

Researchers in Italy have identified structural and functional differences in the brains of people with temporary and chronic anxiety. These differences may serve to...

Good news for students: study reveals how sleep boosts learning

Two distinct sleep stages appear to play vital, complementary roles in learning: one stage enhances overall performance, while the other stabilizes what we learned...