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Friday, July 19, 2024

CM Punjab meets PM Khan to discuss the formation of his cabinet

News Analysis |

One day before the Eid al-Adha, newly-elected Chief Minister of Punjab Mr. Usman Buzdar called on Prime Minister Imran Khan and discussed with his formation of the provincial cabinet. Senior PTI leader Abdul Aleem Khan was present in the meeting. The prime minister said that after coming to power at the Centre and in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab, the PTI must ensure that ‘change’ was visible in governance. “The people of Punjab have voted for the PTI, so they must witness change,” Mr. Khan said.

Moreover, Prime Minister Khan also stressed that dedicated and honest members of the Punjab Assembly should be induc­ted into the provincial cabinet. Mr. Buzdar assured Mr. Khan that nation’s money would only be spent on the welfare of the people and resources would be utilized with utmost honesty.

Read more: Are you ready to play under Khan’s captaincy?

Usman Buzdar: CM from the underprivileged area

Prime Minster Khan nominated Mr. Usman Buzdar as CM Punjab for being a committed, poor and clear leader from an underprivileged area of Punjab. Soon after the nomination, Imran Khan and his party had to face criticism from several quarters for being reckless in giving the highest post of the province to an ‘inexperienced’ and allegedly a person with the criminal background.

Amir Muhammad Khan, for instance, from Bhakkar is expected to be made a provincial minister. Mr. Khan contested the elections independently but, later on, he decided to join the PTI along with other MPA and MNA from the same district

“He [Buzdar] belongs to an area of Punjab that is the most backward, people there have no water or electricity or hospital,” Imran had said. “The special thing about Sardar Usman is that he is well acquainted with how people live in those areas and secondly, he is aware of how the poor lead their lives. When he will assume the office of the chief minister he will know the nature of the plight that faces the underprivileged people of Pakistan.”

Imran Khan stood by his decision

Prime Minister Khan took to Twitter saying that he has done his “due diligence over the past two weeks and have found him [Buzdar] to be an honest man”. Buzdar has “integrity and stands by my vision and ideology of Naya Pakistan,” the premier tweeted.

Allies and Ministries in Punjab

Since the PTI had only 123 seats in Punjab and it lacked the required majority to form the government, the party had to seek the support of independents and Pakistan Muslim League-Q. The PML-Q was able to convince the PTI and it gained the post of speaker of the Punjab Assembly.

Read more: Suspense over the name of CM Punjab continues

Now as far as ministries are concerned the PTI will have to deal with the independents as well. It is expected that some of the independents will get opportunities to proclaim powerful positions. Moreover, Imran Khan has promised to uplift the lives of those living in underprivileged areas he is expected to offer some ministries to the representatives from D.G.Khan, Layyah, and Bhakkar.

Read more: Punjab’s monopoly

Amir Muhammad Khan, for instance, from Bhakkar is expected to be made a provincial minister. Mr. Khan contested the elections independently but, later on, he decided to join the PTI along with other MPA and MNA from the same district. PM Khan and Mr. Usman Buzdar are expected to form a cabinet which can ensure the implementation of the agenda of the party.