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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How TTP has been a trouble maker in Pakistan?

So far, Pakistan has been doing its best to prevent TTP from terrorist activity by negotiating peace with TTP, but is there any consequence from such actions? Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran has previously been in talks with some of the Theek Taliban Pakistan (TTP) terrorist groups whose government has been banned to seek reconciliation with affiliates that have declared war on the country since the mid-2000s.

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, sometimes known as the Pakistani Taliban, is a Pashtun Islamist armed student organization that serves as an umbrella organization for a number of student militant groups based on both sides of the Afghan–Pakistani border.

The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) became one of Pakistan’s deadliest militant organisations after its creation in 2007. The TTP’s ability to undertake attacks had been severely hampered by military efforts by 2016, but recent signs—including a deadly incident in Quetta on April 21—indicate that the organisation is attempting to regain its operational capacity. This research examines the TTP’s rise and fall, as well as alternatives for the Pakistani government to hinder its resurrection with US cooperation and backing.

Read more: Four soldiers martyred in raid on TTP

What is the future of peace talks between the Pakistani govt & TTP?

Following the events of September 11th, 2001, and the United States’ engagement in Afghanistan, a group of radicals in Pakistan began a movement.

The recapture of Kabul in Afghanistan by the Afghan Taliban has empowered jihadi forces in the region, raising fears that a resurgence of Islamist insurgency could jeopardize foreign investments, notably those tied to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.


The TTP is Pakistan’s most feared terror group and has its own ideological links to the Afghan Taliban. It has chalked up hundreds of attacks on military and civilian targets in the past, prior to the recent upturn against Pakistani security forces.

So far, Pakistan has been doing its best to prevent TTP from terrorist activity by negotiating peace with TTP, but is there any consequence from such actions? Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran has previously been in talks with some of the Theek Taliban Pakistan (TTP) terrorist groups whose government has been banned to seek reconciliation with affiliates that have declared war on the country since the mid-2000s.

Read more: US drone targets top TTP commander: US cooperating with Pak?

Was announced. Security forces continue almost every day. It is known that TTP has been reformed over the years at its bases in North Waziristan and the tribal areas of North Waziristan. Pakistan first launched an attack in 2004 after a series of military operations in North Waziristan.

How TTP is putting Pak-China relations in jeopardy?

Islamabad and Beijing each held TTP chargeable for a suicide assault on July 14 that killed 9 Chinese engineers operating on a hydroelectric mission in Pakistan’s Kohistan District. More Chinese human beings or Chinese tasks can be attacked with the intention to boom strain at the Pakistan authorities and this has the opportunity to stain the connection among the 2 buddy countries. So the ways those assaults do now no longer appear to have any impact on Pak-China members of the family as this has given each the country to combat the project of terrorism.
The upturn in terrorism compelled New Zealand and England to cancel cricket excursions of Pakistan on protection grounds. A New Zealand assertion on Sept. 17 gave an escalation in “chance levels” in Pakistan and an on-the-floor protection evaluation as motives for its cancellation. This disenchanted the cricket enthusiasts deeply because of the reality that New Zealand couldn`t show something nor did they make this kind of attempt however this step turned into a large blow to Pakistan`s recognition withinside the worldwide community.
The TTP has sanctuaries along the shared border in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces, but the Afghan Taliban isn’t going to fulfill Islamabad’s wishes to flush them out and forcibly repatriate warring parties reluctant to move returned to Pakistan of their non-public accord. “Afghan Taliban has by no means raised objections or tried to save you TTP from sporting out attacks throughout Pakistan irrespective of gambling close to ties to the Pakistani intelligence agencies. Islamabad hopes to weaken the TTP by persuading the group’s rank and record to return back domestic from Kunar and Nangarhar, wherein they fled with their households to keep away from Pakistani army operations that leveled their houses in 2014. The TTP has ramped up assaults in the latest months.
More than three hundred Pakistanis had been killed in terrorist assaults when you consider that January, such as a hundred and forty-four army personnel, in line with the Islamabad-primarily based totally Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies. Pakistan has shied far from imparting unilateral reputation to the all-Taliban authorities in Afghanistan however has been pushing for the arena to have interaction with the brand new rulers. It has entreated the USA to launch finances to the Afghan authorities, whilst urging the Taliban to open their ranks to minorities and non-Taliban.
In the tries to prepare negotiations with Islamabad, the TTP is annoying to manage over components of the tribal areas and rule through its strict interpretation of Islamic Shariah regulation in the one’s areas, in addition to the proper to maintain their weapons, in line with Pakistani figures acquainted with the demands. They spoke to The Associated Press on the situation of anonymity due to the fact they’re now no longer legal to talk to the media and due to the fact they worry retaliation.

The author is a research associate and sub-editor at GVS. She has previously worked with Express-News Islamabad. She can be reached at az.aeliya@gmail.com. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Global Village Space’s editorial policy.