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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Indian Legislator Disgraced India at Asia-Pacific Conference by Heckling Pakistan’s Qasim Suri

Indian minister, Vijay Jolly, disgraced his country after he was forcibly removed from the premises of Asia-Pacific conference Cambodia following a hue and cry on Qasim Suri’s speech on Kashmir issue.

Indian Minister Vijay Jolly from Bharatiya Janata Party was ousted from the premises of the Asia Pacific Summit in Cambodia when he attempted to heckle Deputy Speaker National Assembly Qasim Suri’s speech on Kashmir issue.

A video circulating on social media showed Vijay Jolly was escorted off the premises by four to five security guards when he appeared before the stage and expressed angst on Qasim Suri’s speech. The furious Indian minister shouted that Kashmir is the internal matter of India and he will not allow Pakistani legislature to discuss India’s internal matter on an international platform.


Qasim Suri remained unperturbed amid nuisance and continued his speech on highlighting India’s forced annexation of Kashmir and ongoing brutalities in the valley by Indian armed forces.

The Deputy Speaker said that the continuous lockdown has unfolded grave human plight in the valley.

Qasim Suri asserted that women and children have been physically assaulted with as many as 11,000 Kashmiri women raped by Indian armed forces. He also mentioned the countless unmarked graves of Kashmiri youth in the valley.

Read more: Kashmir Dispute: Musharraf, Vajpayee proposal could solve the issue?

Adding that, ‘More than 8,000 unmarked graves have been found affected by Indian atrocities. The occupied territory is under a strict curfew and a communications blackout has been in place for the past 106 days.’

He also mentioned that United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has observed the use of pellets guns, extrajudicial killings and torture of unarmed civilians in the valley.


Suri urged the states to flourish amicable relations between themselves to make the world a peaceful place.

The Indo-Pak suffered a substantial dip following the Pulwama attack- a suicide attack on Indian armed forces that claimed the lives of 40 troops.

Read more: Kashmir issue: Indian media follows Israel’s Hasbara model

The Indian Air Force violated the airspace of Pakistan in February. The Indian jets reached Balakot from where they were swiftly chased out of Pakistan by Pakistan’s Air Force jets.

The next day, India and Pakistan engaged in an aerial dogfight in which Pakistan shot down two Indian jets and captured Indian Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman.

Pakistan, however, closed its airspace for Indian commercial flights in retaliation. The belligerence was stoked once again after India’s monumental move on Kashmir in August when Indian rescinded the special autonomous status of Indian-Occupied Kashmir following the abrogation of Article 370 and 35-A.

India’s move on Kashmir intensified Kashmir dispute; completely closing the doors of negotiations between the two countries.

A similar hue and cry in India followed Prime Minister Imran Khan’s impassioned speech at 74th UNGA session in which he thoroughly discussed the Kashmir issue and Indian atrocities in the valley.