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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Mariam Mujtaba: PIA’s first Kashmiri female pilot

News Desk |

Pakistan International Airlines has got its first female Kashmiri pilot Mariam Mujtaba. The airline introduced its first pilot from the region through a video interview.

In the interview, Mariam Mujtaba expressed her excitement over pursuing her dream career. In a video posted on the social media pages of the airlines, Mariam thanked Pakistan International Airline for giving her the opportunity to become a pilot. She added that PIA gave her “wings to fly.”

“Getting into this profession was a dream job for me, as I have been dreaming about this since I was a little baby,” Mujtaba said.

She went on to say: “Once my parents knew that I wanted to become a pilot, they encouraged me and sent me to flying school.” Surprisingly, her parents were aware of the fact that she wanted to become a pilot but they never discussed it with her. But when she finally revealed her wish to the parents her father took her for the admission in the flying school.

“But once I showed them my will, my father took me to a flying School and I joined,” she said. Fortunately, the day she acquired her Commercial Flying License, a job advertisement appeared in the newspaper from PIA and she applied for the post.

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“I cannot even share how happy I was when I saw my name in the list,” Mujtaba was quoted saying. She called flying “the best profession for girls”. When asked about one item she never forgets to travel with, she replied: “It has to be the Holy Quran; I always take it along with me on trips.”

Commenting on her passion for airplanes she added, “I’d start living in an airplane if get a chance.” She shared an incident of how one female passenger got worried after knowing that she will be flying the ATR to Bahawalpur.

Mariam, however, informed that the female passenger approached her, took pictures with her, and gave her blessings when they landed safely in Bahawalpur.