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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Nawaz’s doctor suggests Toxicology screening to check for poisoning

There are speculations that the overall context is being created in which the federal government shall be forced to let Maryam Nawaz leave for London. Will doctors from London play their part in setting up a political context in Lahore?

The medical experts have suggested toxicology screening of former premier Nawaz Sharif to check for poisoning, which could be preventing his platelets to heal. According to sources, Dr David R. Lawrence has expressed: “If the platelet count does not respond, he may be considered for possible toxicology screen. We want to target a platelet count between 50,000 to 150,000 to allow safe treatment with antiplatelet therapy.”

Earlier, Amjad Pervaiz, lawyer of ex-Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif, submitted the PML-N leader’s medical report to Deputy Judicial Registrar. The report stated that the former premier is critically ill, and he will stay under treatment until his platelets stabilize. It informed that the platelets number have to be between 50,000 to 150,000 in order to be out of danger.

It further read that the PML-N supremo is also suffering from arterial issues. The medical report mentioned that his health condition has improved after heart bypass surgery. The report read that Nawaz’s is also getting MRI of heart scanned while doctors are still working to completely diagnose the nature of his disease. The report also advised former premier to take a walk at least twice a day.

Read more: Nawaz Sharif likely to Undergo Cardiac Catheterization

According to sources, report submitted by Nawaz Sharif’s lawyer is attested by Pakistan High Commission in London.

Nawaz’s son has already alluded to the same that his father may have been given some sort of poison by his political rivals.

It is important to note that the federal cabinet recently granted in-principle “conditional” approval to remove Nawaz’s name from the ECL. The government had asked the Sharif family to pay Rs.7 billion as surety bonds — equivalent to the fines imposed on him by an accountability court in two corruption cases Al-Azizia Steel Mills and Avenfield properties — in which he was convicted.


The PML-N leadership rejected the offer. While addressing a press conference after consultation meeting of senior party leaders in Lahore, Shehbaz Sharif said that the incumbent government of PTI wanted to take ransom from the Sharif family in the name of indemnity bond.

The Lahore High Court on Saturday (usually an off day) allowed former premier Nawaz Sharif to travel abroad for four weeks for medical treatment, saying the duration could be extended based on medical reports.

A two-judge bench, comprising Justice Ali Baqar Najafi and Justice Sardar Ahmad Naeem, started hearing the petition at 11 am and after multiple breaks and back and forth, delivered the verdict close to 6 pm.

In the court-approved undertaking, Nawaz assured that he would return “within four weeks” ─ a time frame that was missing in the initial handwritten undertaking.

Read more: Will Nawaz Sharif get NRO and be allowed to leave Pakistan?

It is important to note that the government has made it clear that it will not remove Maryam Nawaz’s name from the Exit Control List (ECL) and won’t allow her to go abroad. Federal Minister for Water Resources Faisal Vawda said that the federal government shall not allow Maryam to leave the country. The minister was among others who did not agree to allow the former premier to leave for London.