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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Pakistan says “No” to Foreign demands of probing elections rigging

Emphasizing Pakistan's commitment to its "sovereign right" in handling internal affairs.

The Foreign Office asserted on Friday that no foreign entity possesses the authority to dictate Pakistan’s course of action regarding the investigation of alleged electoral rigging during the February 8 general elections. Emphasizing Pakistan’s commitment to its “sovereign right” in handling internal affairs, the spokesperson underscored the nation’s democratic framework, which includes mechanisms for addressing electoral concerns.

Responding to inquiries regarding the US government’s calls for an investigation into electoral irregularities, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch reiterated Pakistan’s stance as an independent and sovereign nation capable of making decisions regarding its internal matters. She highlighted Pakistan’s democratic processes as avenues for addressing election-related issues, dismissing external directives.

Regarding correspondence from US congressmen urging the Biden administration to withhold recognition of Pakistan’s new government pending investigations into election fraud allegations, the spokesperson refrained from commenting, citing it as a communication between US officials, not directed towards Pakistan.

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Furthermore, Mumtaz declined to address the letter from Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), seeking negotiations solely with a recognized government. On the matter of four individuals, suspected to be Pakistani, arrested for allegedly smuggling weapons to Yemen from Iran, Pakistan expressed engagement with US authorities to ascertain facts and provide consular access.

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Regarding the Iran-Pakistan pipeline project, the spokesperson confirmed the Cabinet Committee on Energy’s decision to resume work on the project, emphasizing its significance for bilateral relations and Pakistan’s energy security. She dismissed speculative reports regarding concerns raised by certain countries about the project, affirming Pakistan’s commitment to enhancing its energy infrastructure.

Addressing statements from the US State Department regarding the need for transparent investigations into alleged irregularities in the elections, the spokesperson reiterated Pakistan’s adherence to its legal procedures and urged political parties to seek remedies through appropriate channels.