German Foreign Minister’s strong words about Western policy on Syria

Alexander Mercouris | In newspaper interview, outgoing German Foreign Minister says he repeatedly called for cooperation with President Assad but was constantly overruled by Paris...

Donald Trump’s ban will have lasting and damaging effects on the world’s refugees

Phil Orchard | US President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration fundamentally alters decades of bipartisan US practice. It blocks immigration from seven predominantly Muslim...

Saudi King Agrees to Trump’s suggestion on safe zones in Syria

WASHINGTON/RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's King Salman, in a telephone call on Sunday with U.S. President Donald Trump, agreed to support safe zones in...

Iranian Oscar Nominee has called Trump a ‘racist’ and will not be attending the ceremony

Donald Trump’s decision to ban Iranians (apparently temporarily for 90 days) from entering the United States has sent shock waves across Iran. It prompted...

Jewish groups denounce Trump’s ban on Muslims to USA

The Anti-Defamation League vowed to “relentlessly” combat US President Donald Trump’s executive order ban on Muslims including Syrian refugees and citizens of seven Muslim...

Is Trump condoning General Sissi’s terror on Egyptians?

James M. Dorsey | An Egyptian government decision to designate soccer icon Mohammed Aboutreika as a terrorist coupled with the recent arrest of more than...

Will Trump continue with the drone wars?

Daniel Mc Adams With the inauguration finished and the protests finished (for now), the new Trump Administration has set about the business of governing. There...

Donald Trump can give you hope

Hope is an essential human emotion that keeps us living a positive life, where we can work to achieve more in our emotional and...

How do you get kids to eat vegetables?

Sophia Komninou | How can you get a fussy child to eat vegetables? It’s a question that plagues many frustrated parents at countless mealtimes. Some...

Upcoming constitutional storm in Britain

On the morning of January 24th the Supreme Court ruled that Britain’s government has to put Article 50 (the formal two-year process by which...

Physical brawl ensues in Pakistan’s National Assembly when lawmakers disagree

A disgraceful event took place in National Assembly Pakistan when representatives sitting in parliament started a physical brawl, fist cuffing each other following the...

Obama quietly sends $221 million to Palestinian Authority

Alex Christoforou | It has been reported that as one of his last acts as President, Obama quietly sent $221 million to the Palestinian Authority...