Developing Pakistan: Challenges beyond Infrastructure?

Abdul Rehman Malik | The Real development transforms people’s lives not just reflect the economic statistics meant to impress the public that Government has undertaken...

Growing Islamophobia and a divided Muslim World

Abdul Rasool Syed | The Muslim world is currently facing myriad internal and external challenges. So far as the internal challenges are concerned, it is...

11 Characteristics of a Happy and Healthy Relationship

Josh Zlatkus | Each and every day as a therapist, I talk to couples who are having issues. Issues serious enough that they have reached out...

Why Pakistan needs a cyber army?

Muneeb Imran | Recent weeks have been marred by the stories of ‘Data Breaches’ in various banks of Pakistan where data theft took place of...

Be warned—Pakistan is losing the narrative war

Jan Achakzai | All military Analysts, civilian observers, and professional soldiers now talk of hybrid warfare. The phrase got currency after the annexation of Crimea...

Saudi sports diplomacy: An effort to bury Khashoggi’s killing

James M. Dorsey | Saudi sports diplomacy is proving to be a mirror image of the kingdom’s challenged domestic, regional and foreign policies. Overloaded by...

TLP & Islamic principles: Some major contradictions – Khawaja Akbar

Khawaja Akbar | The outbreak of violent protests, after the Supreme Court of Pakistan acquitted Aasiya Noreen in the blasphemy case, is another example of...

Is the minimum wage economically feasible? – Jacob G. Hornberger

Jacob G. Hornberger | If economic ignorance among leftists (i.e., liberals and progressives) had no adverse impacts, we could consign it to the ranks of...

The new race war in USA – Jacob G. Hornberger

Jacob G. Hornberger | Conservatives are having fun attacking 29-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the newly elected member of Congress from New York. They’re poking fun at...

Regional connectivity vital for prosperity – Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal

Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal | President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), as its flagship project, have connected Pakistan...

Imran Khan: Mao Tse Tung of Pakistan? – Farid A Malik

Farid A Malik | Behind the Great Wall of China a ‘People’s Republic’ is emerging as the next superpower of the world. Every visit presents...

America’s Drug War fuels the cartels – Jacob G Hornberger

Jacob G Hornberger | Ludwig von Mises pointed out that one government intervention inevitably leads to more government interventions. The reason is that the first...