Tribe. What’s this? How to purchase?

Where and how to buy Tribe? On one of the largest crypto platforms. You can also exchange bnb to php there.

What is Tribe?

Tribe is an Ethereum-based FEI protocol token indexed at a fixed value of $1.00. The Community Token is the main token that governs the FEI protocol. TRIBE can also be defined as a minified control token for updating and integration-oriented anchor service.

The Fei Protocol is a DeFi protocol that supports an ETH-enabled stablecoin and uses a two-token model. FEI is a stablecoin that uses Uniswap LP as its official market and a stabilization mechanism called Protocol Controlled Value (PCV) to keep FEI close to the dollar. TRIBE is platform governance token that has the following use cases:

  • Liquidity Mining: Users can contribute to the FEI-TRIBE Uniswap liquidity pool to earn a share of DEX transaction fees. It is worth remembering that this only applies to UniswapV2 liquidity providers.
  • Staking: Users can stake more tokens in the Fei protocol staking pool to receive TRIBE in return. Staking on tokens does not have locks.
  • Governance: Users can create and vote on governance proposals or delegate their voting rights to other addresses.

TRIBE Token Overview

It can be seen that interest in the token has increased, especially after the listing of Binance and various exchanges. In addition, the growing confidence in the project and the increase in investment seem to have increased investor interest.

According to CoinMarketCap, it is ranked 247th by market cap with $282,179,439. Additionally, it can be seen that the 24-hour trading volume of Coin, which is trading at $0.6223 at press time, is $17,227,528. In addition, Coin hit bottom on April 3, 2021, and hit an all-time high on April 4, 2021, earning $2.49.

In addition, there are currently 453,448,622 TRIBEs in circulation, and the total supply of Coins is stated to be 1,000,000,000 TRIBEs.

How and where to buy Tribe 

You can quickly and safely buy Tribe through Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency trading platform in terms of the trading volume.

To buy Coins, you must first be a Binance member and then send fiat money. After sending a fiat currency such as RUB or USD, purchases can be made on Bitcoin (BTC), Binance Coin (BNB), BUSD, and Tether (USDT) trading pairs where Tribe Coin is traded.

In addition, by placing a buy order on Binance not only at market value but also at a lower value, users can purchase at the desired price. To do this, it will be enough to use the “Limit” tab and enter the amount you want to buy and the price you want.


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