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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Dr. Omer Javed

The writer holds PhD in Economics degree from the University of Barcelona, and previously worked at International Monetary Fund. Prior to this, he did MSc. in Economics from the University of York (United Kingdom), and worked at the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Statistics (Pakistan), among other places. He is author of Springer published book (2016) ‘The economic impact of International Monetary Fund programmes: institutional quality, macroeconomic stabilization and economic growth’. He tweets @omerjaved7.

High commodity prices and IMF program

This is indeed beyond logic as far as IMF programmes are concerned, to push for procyclical policies, and in turn, expect Pakistan to push for greater taxes

Unfolding climate crisis: A call for urgent...

Dr. Omer Javed, Economist, urges the world to come up with consistent macroeconomic policies to combat climate change. He presents the ambitious tree plantation work done by Pakistan as a potential model for others to follow.

Why the world needs to address vaccine...

"But while hundreds of millions of vaccine doses have been administered globally, there are deep disparities. In high-income countries, vaccine supplies are sufficient to...

Covid ‘vaccine nationalism’ highlights failure of Multi-lateral...

Covid 19 has revealed many harsh realities of the ‘Globalised World’. Not only has the wealth gap further increased, the vaccine rollout has shown that in times of need even the human life has a price tag.

Pakistan’s Economy at 2030

Dr. Omer Javed looks at Pakistan's economy by 2030 and argues why the current decade requires a sustainable, innovative, and active policy stance of governments in Pakistan, especially if it wishes to join leading economies by the end of the decade.

Pandemic jolts governments away from Neoliberalism

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing governments to spend on an unprecedented scale to sustain businesses and households, there has never been a better time to restore the state to its proper role as a rudder for the broader economy. The market alone is simply no match for the challenges of the twenty-first century.' – ‘Toward a new fiscal constitution’ by Mariana Mazzucato and Robert Skidelsky

Devolution in Pakistan: Issues and way forward

Any NFC award, going forward, should try to rationalize the concerns of centre and provinces, in terms of fiscal burden sharing given their individual responsibilities. Also, to more sustainably allay these concerns, revenue generation responsibilities of each should be emphasize, so that the size of the cake or divisible pool also gets significantly enhanced.

Public Service in Pakistan: A Reform Agenda

In 1871, President Ulysses S. Grant of USA appointed Dorman B. Eaton as the chair of the first Civil Service Commission, who later went...