The Constitutional Matrix of FATA

Saad Rasool | Earlier this week, the National Assembly, in its dying days, has passed a historic piece of legislation, which has been long overdue....

2018 World Cup potentially set to become latest Middle Eastern battlefield

James M Dorsey | A possible Saudi-Iranian clash on the soccer pitch promises to be a highlight of this month’s World Cup in Russia. It...

Water woes of Pakistan

Fahad Ali | Water, the true elixir of life, is one of the basic necessities of human life. In fact, the very existence of humans...

Will caretaker government be able to hold free and fare elections?

Ikram Sehgal | Headed by former Chief Justice Nasirul Mulk, the Caretaker Regime taking office today includes in its mission statement (1) running the affairs...

Mahathir’s policies could reshape Malaysia’s relations with Gulf States

James M Dorsey | Newly elected Malaysian Prime Minister Mohammed Mahathir is adopting policies that could reshape the Southeast nation’s relations with powerful Gulf States....

The Indian Illusion: Denying Anti-Iranian Sanctions While Implementing Them

Andrew Korybko | People all across the world, and especially in the multipolar bloc of BRICS, collectively let out a sigh of relief after Indian...

“Seasonal birds” in Pakistan’s political arena

Farid A Malik | ‘Khooti Rahi Bur Thalay’ means “the donkey remained under the tree.” the first time I heard this Punjabi proverb was in...

The Hardest Hard Power

Aisha Saeed | The term ‘power’ in international relations has various interpretations but remains a vital part of the subject throughout. Power is one of...

AI is the new electricity

Anthony Williams | “AI(I) is well until it gets out of control and causes havoc and disruption in our lives.” This quote is from Andrew Ng,...

Why Spy chronicles’ won’t rescue Nawaz?

Waqas Shabbir | Some term them untold; few call them old wine in a new bottle. The significance of the much-talked-about ‘Spy chronicles’ may not...

Saudi Arabia’s drone scare might have really been a coup attempt

Andrew Korybko | Nobody seems to believe Saudi Arabia’s official explanation that the extended gunfire that reportedly took place near the royal palace over the...

Understanding Mumbai attacks beyond media’s rhetoric

Muhammad Shoaib | Following ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s statement, Indian media found its new lifeline to launch its massive propaganda drive against the state of...