AI is here to stay. Now we need to ensure everyone benefits

Juliet A. Gerrard | Artificial intelligence (AI) is already in use in many sectors. Its contribution is expected to rise steadily, driven by advances in...

Huawei emerges successful – US sanctions fail

AFP | Huawei has been under immense pressure this year as Washington has lobbied allies worldwide to avoid the company's telecom gear over security concerns...

PAF will choose person for space mission: Fawad Chaudhry

News Desk | Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry has said that in Pakistan Air Force (PAF) will choose the person who will...

Pakistan biggest space event: Gearing up for moon mission

News Desk | In his latest tweet, Chaudhry expressed his delight by announcing that the Ministry of Science and Technology is initiating a project to...

Samsung launching ‘Foldable Smartphone’ in September

AFP | South Korean electronics giant Samsung announced Thursday it will release its cutting-edge foldable smartphone in September, despite a trade dispute between Seoul and...

Chandrayaan-2: China offers to partner in India’s moon mission

RT | Just a day after India successfully launched its Chandrayaan-2 Moon mission, Beijing says it is ready to team up with New Delhi to...

India gains Russian assistance for Space Program

RT | India has plans to purchase rocket engines from Moscow for its national space program, Russia’s deputy prime minister said. The announcement follows the...

The moon landing is now 50 years old!

AFP | Fifty years ago on Saturday, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans in history to set foot on...

How tech firms make us feel like we own their apps – and how that benefits them

Melody Zou | Possessions are going out of fashion. An endless stream of media reports claim millennials – that amorphous mass of people born in the...

India Moon mission failed even before it began

AFP | The Chandrayaan-2 - or Moon Chariot 2 - mission is part of India's ambitious space program, and its success would have propelled the...

Can brain size play a key role in mental disorders?

News Desk | Scientists suspect that variations in the structure of the choroid plexus, which produces cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), could play a key role in...

The science of memories: Can they be predicted?

Deborah Talmi | Do you remember your first kiss? What about your grandma dying? Chances are you do, and that’s because emotional memories are at...